How to fall in love with Mondays (6 things to do every Sunday). And what do you put energy into

Most of us are used to the idea that Monday is a tough day. Often we begin to think about its occurrence on Sunday, spoiling our mood and depriving us of the opportunity to relax. Here are ten tips to help you make a difference and love Mondays this year.

1. Do not succumb to the influence of others

People around us talk about how they hate this day, and we out of habit agree. But what do we really feel? Ask yourself: what did not please you Mondays? The fact that you have to return to a hated job and force yourself to do what you do not want? So, maybe you should finally find a solution to the problem?

If you love your job, the reason for the hatred may be that you adopted someone else's attitudes. What benefits do you get by continuing to follow them? Perhaps the discussion helps to feel on the same wavelength with colleagues?

2. Think of this day as an opportunity to start all over again.

Monday is the beginning of a new week, a new page. The previous week with successes and failures is in the past, and we have the opportunity to start all over again.

If you think about it, this day is like a small New Year. Remember why you love him, except for gifts and long vacations. Most likely, for the feeling that this time you will definitely be able to achieve your goals, or for the opportunity to analyze the mistakes and leave in the past year. Perhaps summing up and new goals for the week will help to look at this day as the beginning of a new period.

3. Deal with rubble

You love work, but you have accumulated so many outstanding tasks that thoughts about them poison your life and make you afraid of the coming of the new week? Use the private list method suggested by coach Mark Forster:

  • make a list of work tasks that you constantly postpone;
  • draw a line under it, which will mean that nothing more can be added to it (therefore it is called closed);
  • every day, take time to work on tasks from the list.

Since the list is closed, the number of tasks in it will decrease, and this will give additional motivation.

  4. Place order in the workplace

The way it looks affects mood and productivity. If you have to spend time looking for important documents, and from a long sitting in an uncomfortable chair, your back hurts, it is not surprising that you are not happy about the beginning of the week.

5. Prepare for Monday in advance

One of its main differences from the weekend is an early rise. This problem can be solved by abandoning a sharp change of regime on the weekend. Try to get up at about the same time as in the week, and spend extra hours on your favorite activities.

Another way to make the onset of the week more enjoyable is to plan it. Take time for hobbies, cultural hikes and chatting with friends. Prepare on Sunday everything you need on Monday to save yourself from the fuss. Decide what to wear, prepare a book that you plan to read in the subway, a sports uniform if you go to the gym.

6. Do not plan anything for the morning

Australian entrepreneur John Westenberg says that he often planned something grand on Monday morning, but he almost never succeeded in realizing his plan. As a result, he felt like a failure, and that set the tone for the rest of the week. In the end, he decided that this was not the time to accomplish. Why not take this approach?

7. Set a small achievable goal

Set yourself a small task that you can definitely accomplish. The brain doesn’t care if we completed a large business or a small one (therefore, we often postpone important, but voluminous tasks, and instead do a whole series of small things). Indulge yourself with a small but enjoyable achievement at the beginning of the week: do yoga, meditate, buy movie tickets for the weekend or sign up for a doctor.

8. Work out

It’s not necessary to buy a subscription to a fitness club or run a few kilometers. Do exercises, work out under the video, go for a short run to the stadium near the house or turn on the music and dance.

9. Turn off notifications on the phone

Constant online life provokes stress and makes it difficult to focus on work. Is it really important to know who commented on the status on Facebook or responded to a tweet? If you are not ready to completely refuse notifications, try disabling them on Monday. May this day be calmer, even in this regard.

10. Create a custom playlist

Music carries a powerful emotional charge, psychologists use it as a remedy. Favorite songs will add energy and cheer up.

With such a way of life and with what is in it - no way! If you hate them, then it’s not just that. And if the majority of the Russian population hates them, then this is not at all like that.

I don’t even know what day of the week! And I don’t care exactly until I’m going to visit a public place. In order not to stumble on crowds of people, sometimes you have to look at the calendar.

Life with hatred for Mondays, love of Fridays and naive attempts to get rid of depression, have time to relax on the weekend, learn how to enjoy life and live a busy life due to 2 weeks of vacation a year.

You can score with these calm souls on these attempts because this is absurd! It is impossible to do the above!

Yes, because you are what you put your energy into and what you think about every day.

And what do you put energy into?

To force yourself to be where you do not want. In order to please those whom you hate. In order to wait for gifts from fate. To be afraid of change and submit to your fears.

What do you think about every day?

That you hate your job, weather, country, people, prices, low salaries. The fact that everything is tired and sick of it. About how to quickly forget in alcohol, shit, hanging out or in a dream.

What can you expect in the end. What you have every day! This is a natural result.

All this seems complicated and confusing until you understand the pattern and cause-effect relationships.

So, to fall in love with Mondays, there is only one way - to change your life! Change your own world, his understanding. Change yourself, work, approach.


Do what you really like!

Hire from the question: what prevents you from doing what you like?

Of course, you will tell me about loans, the inability to earn on your hobby, the crisis and all sorts of other, at first glance, logical reasons. But while you hate Mondays, someone loves them! So they did it. Why are you worse?

The only reason you continue to sit in your swamp is your unwillingness to take responsibility for your life. It’s convenient for you to go with the flow, obey the absurd bosses, do unloved work, spend evenings on TV, and hang out in the alcove. You can tell me that you do not like such a life. But I won’t believe it! Because if you wanted, you would have changed it. And since you don’t want it, then you’re fine. Still alright!

Why are there so many dissatisfied with life, lost depressed people? Yes, because in order to be happy with life, one must do. Take life into your own hands and create. Fulfill your dreams. Benefit people. Do what you truly believe in. Strive with all my heart for harmony, joy, love. Then there will be drive, and happiness, and Mondays will be the joyful hours of a new life.

The worst thing on Sunday is the realization that tomorrow is Monday! Are you one of those unfortunate people for whom Monday is a funeral day? Is it a real torture for you to get out of bed? Do you feel lethargic and indifferent all Monday? All day it seems like everything is going wrong?

Heavy Mondays are a common problem. According to sociologists, 35% of sick leave or days off are usually taken on Monday. According to another source, 5% of people admit that one thought about Monday morning, when they need to go to work again, can ruin their weekend.

What is wrong with Mondays?

Being in a bad mood on Monday is normal. Most likely, at the weekend you had fun, stayed up late and now feel overwhelmed and not enough sleep. Your internal clock switched too quickly to "day off" and does not want to return to its normal rhythm. Of course, you will feel exhausted on Monday morning.

But falling into a Monday depression is not a sentence. There are six ways to make Mondays not just less unpleasant, but basically enjoyable.

To get up or not to get up

There is no unequivocal opinion on this issue. Some believe that it is better to wake up in advance to avoid the stress associated with being late. Others advise, on the contrary, to sleep at least an hour longer so that it is easier to spend the rest of the day.

It’s probably best to experiment and find out what’s best for you. Feel your personal best time to wake up.

Cheer yourself up

You know yourself better than anyone, so you probably should know a method to cheer yourself up and get you out of the mood of Monday. Perhaps it helps you to dress in your favorite clothes - for working from home, it can even be pajamas.

On the other hand, some women are helped by careful makeup and an elegant dress.

Try throwing new music into the player - or cutting a disc with it. Talk to buddies who always make you laugh. Fill your day with something fun, all these little things in the complex will certainly work.

Come up with fun

Nothing will make you jump out of bed more awake than the realization that today you have something interesting to do. Diversify your schedule for Monday.

For example, if you like coffee or just smell it, work on Monday from a coffee shop next door. Make an appointment with your friend for lunch. Reward yourself with a cake or cigar or something else that is your favorite treat. Promise yourself to take a bath with aromatic salt before going to bed. It is not necessary to come up with something super-original - come up with something that you like.

Do not overexert

Do not plan difficult, difficult or very important things for
monday. On the contrary - plan for those days that part of the work that you like - the one that you would do, even if you were not paid for it.

And yet - do not plan meetings with customers and clients on Mondays (unless this is your favorite part of your work): they too may well have a Monday illness.

Get ready for Monday in advance.

Often the complexity of Monday lies in the fact that we are not completing part of the work from the previous Friday. Make Monday easier: get ready for it on Friday.

Be sure to complete all the work. Plan your business on Monday at the same time, on Friday, or in extreme cases - on Sunday, and on Sunday evening check this schedule. Think about what and how you will do it, and try so that in your imagination you are alert and energetic, and complete each business successfully and on time. Schedule the schedule as detailed as possible, not forgetting to set aside time for rest - and you can relax: you are at least prepared for Monday.

Think good

A simple change in outlook on life and perspectives can make Monday not only bearable, but even enjoyable and, moreover, the day you expect.

Think of all those who suffer from unemployment. Imagine all those poor people who do not have to get out of bed - except in order to again take up the job search. Look at what you have, at your clients, at your projects, at your family, at your friends, at yourself in the end!

Gradually, Monday will turn into a weekly reminder for you that you are alive and live pretty well. You have another long week in order to achieve your goals and make new plans. And how can you not love a day that opens up such brilliant opportunities for you?

Monday is a difficult day, and this is not just a saying, but a proven scientific fact: our body falls out of working rhythm over the weekend, and it’s hard for us to get back on track.

Monday morning, it’s more difficult for us to wake up, we can’t concentrate at work for a long time, and in general life is seen in gray colors (still - until the next Saturday another 5 working days!)

How to love Mondays

In fact, the “Monday syndrome” is a consequence of a violation of the usual routine, and it is quite simple to deal with it: you need to prepare for Monday from Sunday. Moms of schoolchildren are well aware that if on Sunday afternoon they do not begin to prepare children mentally and physically for returning to school routine, then the beginning of the week will not be easy for them. Why not take this principle into service in your adult life?

Sunday, 15.30

Prepare yourself a delicious and healthy dinner, you can with the reserve that you will take part of it with you tomorrow to work as a delicious lunch. On weekends, we often indulge ourselves with food, for which we do not have enough energy and time during the week, why not make Monday a continuation of the weekend in this sense? ..

And if you need more ideas, then on Sunday evening you can cook and freeze for the whole week, or that you will take with you to work.

Sunday 16.30

Pack your clothes for tomorrow, think about what you will wear for a week - maybe something needs ironing, and it’s better to prepare everything calmly on Sunday, so as not to waste time and nerves on working mornings.

Sunday 5 p.m.

Sunday 17.30 - 18.30

A relaxing bath and beauty treatments that prepare your skin for the work week and makeup. In the bath you can afford candles, music, and even a glass of wine, writes Garants - let these 30 minutes or an hour be your reward for your weekly work, and let this little pleasure fill you with energy for the next week.

Preparing your skin for the work week is based on your realities and needs - scrub or peeling, nourishing, moisturizing or detox mask, easy self-massage and closing care, all your skin needs to make you shine on Monday.

Sunday 18.30

A light and tasty dinner, after which it is worthwhile to devote time to something calm, it is better not in front of the screen so that you well fall asleep and wake up full of energy.

Sleeping is 30 minutes ahead of the time at which you usually go to bed on weekdays. You need these 30 minutes to relax and try to fall asleep at your usual time, without them you will most likely move and fall asleep later.

The lack of hours of sleep on Sunday night to Monday is a scientific fact that a routine that you hit on the weekend makes you wake up on Sunday later than usual, and it is difficult for you to fall asleep at the appointed time in the evening - even if you put yourself to bed on time, you will tossing and turning for a long time and can’t fall asleep. As a result, you almost always miss your watch, and on Monday morning you often feel overwhelmed.

Monday is the best day of the week, this is the day when your strength is at its peak, when there is a whole week ahead of which you can make a lot of interesting things ... Well, I understand that at 9 am on Monday my enthusiasm is a little annoying, but try spend the second half of Sunday in a new way next weekend. Try it and annoy your flaccid colleagues the next morning with your energy!

How hard it is to part with a carefree weekend and return to office weekdays! How to survive and win this day? .. And is there really a reason to hate Monday so much?

Monday accused undeservedly

Monday is considered the worst day of the week, but is it really so? An interesting study on this subject was conducted by Australian scientists. Specialists from the University of Sydney organized a survey among 200 people who were asked to name the most unpleasant day of the week. The vast majority of respondents did not hesitate to name Monday.

However, the researchers did not stop there. They began to study the well-being of employees throughout the week. Test participants were asked every day how they felt. It turned out that the hardest day of the week was not Monday, but Wednesday. It was on Wednesday that employees feel the most depressed. This is because the weekend is still far away, but fatigue has already accumulated. In addition, it is on Wednesday that the largest number of cases is at work, and not on the accomplice, when everyone is just "swinging".

So it turns out that Monday is not at all as difficult as it seems. For the most part, the perception of this day is distorted due to existing stereotypes.

10 simple recipes

And yet, until we have overcome our stereotypes, we will see what can help survive Monday.

1. You go to bed early - you get up easily. The most annoying thing for Monday is that on Sunday you can’t go to bed at normal times. As a result, you fall asleep late, do not get enough sleep, hence drowsiness and bad mood. What to do about it? Get up early on Sunday and in no case doze off during the day.

2. Do not turn on the radio and TV. I always dreamed of having a radio or television music channel at home, where there would not be a single presenter. And not only because their meaningless conversations are annoying. Most of all they are depressing on Monday. At a time when you want to tune in to positive, on almost every channel we are reminded that the weekend is over and today is a difficult Monday. Perhaps in this way the facilitators try to reassure us. But it would be better if they did not. Therefore, on Monday morning, I basically do not turn on either the TV or the radio. Let the whole media world be silent!

3. From problems to tasks. A new week is always a lot of plans. We have a lot of work to do, and so we begin to get nervous - will we be in time? will it work? will we be able to realize all our plans? Treat your problems as tasks, as plans that you will definitely implement. Tune in to success and think about the results.

4. In tasks, but not in super tasks. However, plans should not be too zealous. If you set yourself super tasks that you then do not complete, Monday's spleen and dissatisfaction will only increase.

5. Learn to love your job. In order to love Monday (as well as the working hours of all the other days of the week from Monday to Friday), you just need to love your work. Or at least learn to do it. Remember (or better, write down) what good your profession, occupation, specialty is. Do not forget to indicate what you have already achieved. Think about the plans, their implementation and the results of your work. Then you will meet Monday with joy, but not depression.

6. Everything has its own time and place. Try to focus on the activity that you are engaged in. When you come home in the evening, think about household chores. At the weekend, do not remember the work. But at work, drop dreams of the weekend. This separation helps a lot.

7. Try not to think about the weekend. It is better to drive away thoughts about the weekend - both just past and future. Such thoughts only dampen. Try to focus on work, current responsibilities and business. You do not need to constantly return thoughts to Saturday night, endlessly twirling filmstrips in front of you with scenes of fun with friends or a good date.

8. The main thing is to start. Post-weekend adaptation is not as difficult as it seems to us. Start with a simple job — your daily responsibilities. You yourself will not notice how quickly you enter the working rhythm. Nothing complicated - just do your job!

9. From heavy to light. To defeat the feeling of oppression, some advise as quickly as possible to do the hardest work planned for today. This rule, from heavy to light, applies not only to Monday, but to all working days. Remember, we were taught to do our lessons in exactly this order. As long as the brain is fresh, and coffee works in the most invigorating way, you need to deal with the most difficult. Well, after lunch, relax and finish the rest. I won’t be surprised if you still have free time!

10. We won’t rewind - we’ll “see” everything. When I was at school, I had a dream - to “rewind” like a cassette, all the unpleasant events in life: exams, math and chemistry lessons, queues in shops and at the post office, visits to doctors, moving from city to city. By analogy, I would like to “rewind” Monday as well, and with it the working hours of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. And as a result, in the full version, "browse" only a fun weekend. But, think about how much time we will live if we “rewind” all the work, expectations and complex processes in our lives? A couple of decades or even years? ...

One thing is obvious - the one who does not like Monday, does not know how to have fun. Monday is an integral part of our lives. And we must learn to enjoy it. So learn, study hard this all your life!

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