Admission to what specialties do you need social studies. Professions associated with social studies - there are a great many of them! Universities and faculties, where you can do with Russian and social studies

What to do with social science? Such a question is asked by those who have chosen this subject, which combines political science, psychology, sociology and many other principles of science, for passing on the exam.

In order to choose where to go to study, to determine a good institute or university and faculty, graduates who have passed the exam in social studies after grade 11, first you need to learn as much as possible about this science and about the professions in which it can be applied.

Social studies - a necessary science for entering universities

At the moment, social science is one of the most popular disciplines that students choose to pass the exam.

Many people choose social science because of the wide range of specialties that can then be addressed to this subject. It is also taken into account that this humanitarian discipline is relatively easy to pass.

Social science is a science that studies a person within an ever-evolving society, and includes several different social sectors: sociology, political science, philosophy, history, economics.

Studying social science, schoolchildren get acquainted with a person within society, with society itself, with its spiritual life, socio-economic relations, laws.

At universities, everything that social science embodies is divided into many different disciplines and studied separately from others. Therefore, this subject is so important for applicants, it can be useful at any university in any humanitarian specialty.

To enter which universities do you need social studies

Who can graduate with a predisposition to the humanities?

After passing the exam, he can choose a number of the following specialties with specialized social studies:

  1. History, philosophy, cultural studies, political science, jurisprudence. These directions are interconnected, therefore, in order to enter them, it is necessary to pass the same subjects: social studies, the Russian language, history.
  2. Philology, pedagogical directions (social studies, Russian, literature, English, history, geography, physics, computer science, mathematics base - depending on the profile).
  3. Biology, psychology (social studies, Russian, biology, chemistry).

If a graduate is more prone to exact sciences, then he will be able to choose faculties with a mathematical bias:

  • economy;
  • service;
  • trading business.

Take into account:  in order to enter these specialties, it is necessary to pass the following exams: mathematics, Russian, social studies.

So, social science as a core subject is necessary in:

  1. Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.
  2. Moscow State Pedagogical University.
  3. State Academic University of Humanities.
  4. St. Petersburg State University of Economics.
  5. Ural State Pedagogical University, etc.

The list includes universities in cities such as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Tula.

In fact, in many large cities there are universities where they teach professions that require knowledge in the field of social science.

List of professions where you need to know social studies

The relevance of professions related to the study of social science in Russia over the past few years has increased significantly. This is due primarily to the fact that people tend to study the processes taking place in society.

It is necessary to know social science:

  1. PR Specialists  (currently in demand profession, since almost all major campaigns need such a specialist).
  2. Political scientists  (these are specialists who study and analyze the life of society from a political point of view; here people are required who are able to predict and build hypotheses regarding the relationships between different countries, states, regions, etc.).
  3. Lawyers  (a specialist competent in resolving legal issues and in knowing the essence of the state; experts on existing laws, theories and rights are required here).
  4. To sociologists  (specialists who analyze the development and functioning of society; these are people who can establish contact with society using various questionnaires, surveys, etc.).
  5. To culturologists  (these are specialists who solve problems in the field of the history of culture; here people who are interested in culture, the history of different peoples, their foundations of life, architecture, art are needed).
  6. To psychologists  (study of people's behavior from the point of view of psychology; they are engaged in psychodiagnostics, correctional and developmental work).

In what areas can these professions be applied:

  • political scientist:  Media, government;
  • jurist: public authorities, local governments, prosecutors, courts, law firms;
  • sociologist:  HR management, advertising agencies;
  • culturologist:  curator at exhibitions, in museums, a teacher at the university;
  • psychologist:  private practice, work at school, at university, in internal affairs bodies.


Social studies play a large role in the formation of modern society. The student who passed this subject has ideas about the world order, about the moral values \u200b\u200bof peoples, about laws and much more.

When choosing a profession related to social studies, people get unlimited opportunities for continuous improvement and self-development.

When the time comes to choose a profession, many questions arise related to the choice of the required university and, accordingly, preparation for exams. In order to answer the question of what can be done with social science, let's look at what kind of science it is and how it can be applied in a particular profession.

Definition of science social studies

Social science is a science that studies both the development of human society and the place that a person occupies in it. This science consists of knowledge of various social sectors. That is why the study of natural science implies knowledge of such sciences as sociology, philosophy, political science, history, ethics, economics. Therefore, social science for those entering universities is simply necessary science. Studying social science, you can get acquainted with such sections as a person and society, spiritual life and cognition, social and economic relations, political science, law.

What to do with social studies

If you pass the exam in social studies in conjunction with other major subjects, you can enter the following faculties:

Details about universities, exams, see. Social studies should be studied by people in the following professions: political scientist, culturologist, psychologist, teacher, sociologist, lawyer, economist, lawyer, manager (by industry), etc. All these professions are directly related to various branches of social life, the laws of which are studied in social science.

The choice of specialty when passing the exam in social studies

Here is a list, but far from complete. If you have chosen a pedagogical direction, you can consider options for the following profiles:

  • preschool education;
  • elementary education;
  • adult education;
  • additional education;
  • life safety;
  • library information management.

If you decide to connect your future profession with management, then you can advise such profiles:

  • crisis management;
  • marketing;
  • logistics and supply chain management;
  • human resource management;
  • production management.

When choosing a business informatics, there are such options:

  • Electronic business;
  • Project management;
  • IT business and innovation;
  • Business Informatics;
  • Enterprise architecture;
  • Small business management.

If you choose a specialty Service, you can try your hand at state and municipal administration in such profiles as:

  • state and municipal property management;
  • municipal government;
  • regional management.

In the specialty "Sociology", there are such profiles suitable for you as:

  • social anthropology;
  • sociology of organizations and management.

Now you know what to do with social studies. The choice of specialty is yours!

In fact, it is very difficult to imagine where and in what specialties knowledge is needed, let alone a complete study of history, and where it would be superfluous. Almost any area of \u200b\u200bhuman activity, whether it’s joinery, military affairs, metallurgy, mathematics, or playing the guitar is connected with history.

Starting any new and unfamiliar business, a new specialty, we first look for its origins, and studying the theory, we are faced with the history of the emergence of one or another kind of occupation. But this is rather connected with its superficial study, and as for specific professions requiring a historical education, we will discuss below in the lists of professions directly related to the study of historical science.

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Top five professions requiring a history education

List of professions

This article will discuss the following professions:

  • archaeologist;
  • ethnographer;
  • political scientist;
  • culturologist;
  • archivist.

Of course, you can add a lot of professions to this meager list, for example: military, or military historian, sociologist, lawyer, etc., but in order not to bother the reader with a mass of information, we will offer only five specialties that require a historical education.

So, the first area of \u200b\u200bscience on the list, requiring historical education  - this is archeology, without which, in principle, history itself would not be possible well, at least it would have a lot of gaps, not able to fill them with theoretical knowledge. Archeology is probably the most romantic science, so its study is simply impossible to accomplish while sitting in stuffy rooms. On the contrary, archeology requires constant field trips to search for missing fragments in the study of a particular era, and the found artifacts are then kindly provided to historians for detailed analysis.

The first to use the term archeology was Plato, and this happened in the distant fourth century BC. Over time, this saying changed its meaning several times, but basically its whole meaning was in the study of some material of historical significance.

The beginning of the emergence of archeology as we know it now was in the eighteenth century  during the Great French Revolution. The first city that fell into the interest of French archaeologists were those who were buried under the lava of Pompeii. Then, with the advance of the troops to the east, massive excavations were conducted on the territory of the former Mesopotamia and Egypt, where in the latter, due to painstaking work, the famous Rosetta stone was found, which laid the foundation for the study of ancient languages.

Archeology is truly the first among historical sciences. She carefully takes from the bosom of the earth the long-lost and forgotten relics, passing them to the study of the present and future generations for the knowledge of history.

The second science on the list that cannot do without a historian is ethnography. Translated from Greek, ethnography literally means description of peoples, that is, a science that studies the history of ethnic communities. In the west, it is known as anthropologythat makes the same sense.

The first scientist in the field of ethnography is considered Herodotus. Thanks to the rapid advancement and development of the Greek colonies, he had an excellent the opportunity to travel and work, describing the culture and life of ancient tribes and peoples. Subsequently, by his example, every educated traveler considered it his duty to bring home stories about previously unknown peoples. So, gradually, centuries later, ethnography developed and, having stood the test of time, came down to us.

Ethnography is an amazing science, because a student for a full report and understanding has to live a certain time among people whose lifestyle differs from the generally accepted one. The researcher collects fairy tales, legends, carefully studies the terrain and various natural phenomena that can affect people living in a certain territory. And although this is historical science, its path can lead the seeker to where he did not think to be.

Where else can you work with historical education? Well, probably, everyone knows that a person involved in politics, and even more so studying it, is simply obliged to know history. After all, it is impossible to plan and analyze state issues without having certain guidelines for doing business, which history kindly provides, having many centuries of experience. And consequently, the third profession on the list requiring a historical education will be a political scientist.

Political science, unlike the humanitarian ones mentioned above, science is more accurate  although it has a lot of different, and sometimes even creative solutions to the same problem. Political science pure human and real science, designed in order to streamline the life and activities of people as part of the state, and not a separate society.

No matter how significant and educated politicians may look, in reality, they are unable to work without the advice of a political scientist. All state affairs go through their clear, calm and balanced analysis. The political scientist has no chance of a mistake, because the fate of millions depends on him, and also, no less important, in what light her neighbors see a particular country. A true political scientist is rarely seen on television or screaming from the rostrum about new reforms. Often these people are in the shadows, day and night completely honing their knowledge of the word and law.

What other science will not do without knowledge in history? Well, of course, this is culturology, which will take fourth place in this list of professions related to history.

Who is a culturologist and what should he do to maintain this status? Well, probably, the name speaks for itself: a culturologist is one who studies the characteristics of a particular people, namely:

Studying culture is not easy, but fascinating. The researcher will need knowledge in history, ethnography, architecture, literature, and also need to know all the features of religion and the political activities of the people.

A culturologist is a rather responsible profession, because his thinking and views form the perception of people regarding a different culture and their own. A culturologist is directly connected with such a wonderful profession as art critic, to the extent that art occupies a high position in the cultural niche of a particular society and characterizes one or another people wonderfully. And therefore, as an addition, you can add to the list also an art critic.

And finally, the last profession in the list of top five professions related to history is the archivist. The main task of the archivist (archivist) is the protection of documents of national importance, that is, their cataloging and accurate accounting for further use by the same historians.

Archivers reliably stand behind the safety of all documentation of previous generations. Under their clear supervision, not a single information will disappear, not a single person who had the opportunity to live under the sun. In order to work as an archivist, it takes a lot of patience, an analytical mind, the ability to digest a huge amount of information, to give each piece of paper its place. Archivists can also do research on the study of the values \u200b\u200bof the material received.

Studying history and all its branches is the most fascinating robot in the world. What could be more beautiful than the study of hitherto unknown antiquities, artifacts, works of art, the discovery of which can turn the world upside down. Hundreds and thousands of historians around the world day and night work tirelessly to shed light for the average layman on the secrets of the past, which directly affect today's reality and ourselves.

Applicants who have received high scores in the exam in the Russian language and social science, when entering a university, usually choose a humanitarian specialization. At which university will the humanities student receive the best training, and which faculties are waiting for him?

There are many specialties for humanitarian students. You can connect your life with the economy or trade, engage in social sciences or become a psychologist. In any case, the basic education received at the university will play a significant role in the subsequent employment. Here are the best metropolitan and regional higher education institutions that have specialized areas in the Russian language and social science.

Universities and faculties, where you can do with Russian and social studies

Having received a diploma from any of these universities, you will ensure an excellent start in your professional activities. And if you also chose a promising specialty, then HR departments will be happy to offer you both a position and an increased salary.

Required specialties

There are a lot of humanitarian areas, the main subjects for which are considered the Russian language and social science. Most of the vacancies, at the moment and with an eye to the future, can be found if one of the following specialties is registered in your diploma.

The task of such specialists is to analyze social relationships, study the interaction of members of society. Depending on the chosen direction, it is possible to get into structures that support unprotected layers of society; to government bodies; to enterprises or educational institutions. Those who have completed applied sociology become marketers, political strategists, and analysts.

The demand for specialists depends on the region. In large cities, getting a job can be quick. Jobs are sought in government agencies, think tanks, recruitment agencies, and the media. Earnings vary from 35 to 50 thousand rubles.

This profession is in demand in many areas of life - business, public service, and medicine. In production, the psychologist most often works in the personnel management zone - analyzes and builds relationship modules, draws up programs for motivating events, and participates in staff assessment. Such specialists are in demand in the field of education and in social services.

There are many vacancies for graduates, but at the initial stage the payment will be low - from 20 thousand rubles. With an increase in experience, the salary rises to 50 thousand in state institutions or business, in private practice there is no upper limit.

A specialty of a wide profile, vacancies appear constantly. Depending on the conditions at the enterprise, the merchandiser can engage in pricing, order formation, acceptance and accounting of products. Some specializations allow you to participate in expert events.

Work can be found in stores, large shopping centers, warehouses, and customs. There is always a need for workers, the initial income of a graduate is low - from 25 thousand rubles. As you gain experience, salaries will increase.

Economic Security Specialist

This specialty gives great career opportunities to those who prefer the economic direction. The salaries of experienced security personnel are well above average. The scope of their activities is different - examination of business plans, assessment of internal regulatory documents, verification of contracts for possible financial risks.

Becoming a career will be slow, but there is a chance to grow into an exceptional specialist with a high and stable income.

The profession of an advertiser is very suitable for those who have developed a creative streak. The main task of such a specialist is to configure communications. Business constantly requires the promotion of goods and services, creating the image of a product and brand, corporate identity of the enterprise. The tasks will necessarily include organizing conferences and public events, establishing contacts with contractors, the media, and the public.

Vacancies of an advertising specialist are most often offered by private studios and agencies. In large enterprises, there are special departments or departments. Earnings directly depend on talent. Age and experience in this profession are not so important.

When choosing a humanitarian university, you need to carefully consider the quality of teaching. Information on this can be obtained on student forums, on the official website of the educational institution. The list of special courses that it can offer will tell a lot about the level of the department.

Want to become a journalist - learn Russian

If a profession and university are selected, it remains to submit documents. What needs to be taken into account by a prospective applicant in order to see his last name in the list of enrolled students?

  • Learn in advance the conditions at several universities - a passing score on the exam, benefits for winners of competitions, the possibility of training on a fee basis.
  • Take part in university olympiads, this will be a bonus for the applicant.
  • Carefully study the list of documents on the website of the selection committee - each university may have its own additional requirements.

It is better to submit documents at least two weeks before the start of entrance examinations - if the papers are not completed correctly, you will have time to fix it.

Lovers of humanitarian subjects do not need to worry about their future. Most of the specialties presented in the article are in demand on the labor market and allow you to make a good career.

When it comes to choosing a profession, this question needs to be seriously considered, because such a choice is made once in a lifetime. With the right choice, the person will have a feeling of satisfaction, but with the wrong one it will be a real tragedy. There are many different specialties, and if we consider the range of possible main directions, then we can distinguish a separate group - these are professions related to social studies, the study of society, the principles of development of society.

This direction is based on knowledge of philosophy, political science, sociology, and other sciences. It is worth noting that the professions associated with social studies are an omniscient political scientist, a sociologist, an original culturologist, legal scholar, economist, lawyer, psychologist and teacher who helps everyone. Social science consists of such sections as "Society", "Man", "Cognition", "Economics", "Social Relations", "Politics" and "Law". Modern society understands that social science is of great importance in the formation of a holistic view of society among people.

When such an idea is formed, this science creates new knowledge and thinking, as well as an idea of \u200b\u200bthe world order. Therefore, the professions associated with social studies help to form informational data for the further development of mankind, and also develop the consciousness of society. Any changes in understanding of the world carry out new functions for the formation of personality and morally sustainable priorities. This unequivocally leads to the study of such areas as spiritual

It is worth noting that the professions associated with social studies are unlimited opportunities for self-development, first of all, continuous self-improvement. This subject is required for admission to universities of the country, for example, to such specialties as "Hotel Business", "Management", where a specialist must be able to communicate with people correctly, know their psychology. You can long list the specialties where knowledge in the field of social science is necessary, and all of them require the ability to work with people and knowledge of social relations.

In general, professions related to this science are very common. Sociable people who love every person and are ready to help everyone who asks for it, naturally, for money, go to work in this area, because this is their job. Professions where social science is needed can be listed for a very long time. The choice of a specialty always depends on personal preferences and inclinations, and before you go to study at a particular university, you must first listen to yourself.

If in childhood you had to separate the brawlers who could not share the carrot, but half got to you, then you can go to study as a lawyer or judge. If you want to eradicate laziness and drunkenness in society, then you need to become a sociologist. Good luck with your choice!

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