Exhibits of the exhibition body worlds. Parts of the body: will the scandalous exhibition Body Worlds come to Russia

Well, here the flowers are over, the ... berries begin. Probably, before telling about the Museum of the human body in the Netherlands, I should warn that it is better for impressionable women and pregnant women to close this page before they even start reading it ...

About halfway between and, tourists are waiting for the exhibition BODY WORLDS: The Happiness project. Hmm, what is it? The Museum of the Human Body is, to put it mildly, a very, very, very unusual exhibition, where the main exhibits are figures of people engaged in their usual affairs, only ...

This “only” often causes conflicting feelings - it delights and, at the same time, terrifies ... The fact is that BODY WORLDS is the only exhibition of its kind in the world, where the donor program is used as anatomical exhibits of the museum, that is, everything represented bodies ... real. Shock?!! Yes, there is ...

Perhaps it is worth starting an acquaintance with the museum with its direct author. I must say that Gunter von Hagens has a very distant relationship with the world of art. A medical doctor by training, he worked for a rather long time at the German Institute of Anatomy and Pathology before opening his own Plastination Institute in 1993.

Gunter's know-how was the invention of a special plastic preparation, the introduction of which into the human body made it possible to embalm. This became the basis of the traveling exhibition BODY WORLD.

I want to upset you (or make you happy?), But the feeling that you are somewhere in a morgue among dismembered corpses or in a cemetery is absent! By the way, this is what I was most afraid of. I would say - on the contrary, in the museum you feel like ... in an anatomy lesson.

I think that for future doctors or people who zealously care for their health, this exhibition of 200 anatomical samples is an excellent indicator of how we destroy our own body every day. After all, these are not at all abstract pictures from textbooks on the structure of the human body, but real people who have already passed their way to the end ...

In addition, in closed showcases, both individual organs and entire body systems are presented. For example, the lungs of a person, and next - the lungs of a heavy smoker. Is it interesting that when someone leaves the museum, someone wants to smoke a cigarette? ...

Or the circulatory system of the heart or foot.

The renal artery and nearby - a kidney affected by cancer ... There is no shortage of comparative exhibits.

To tell you the truth, for a long time I did not dare to visit this museum and it is not known, I would have decided at all, but, as they say, His Majesty was helped by chance. And the thing was this: my virtual friend Slavka Anatolyevich came to his family and, in fact, our main goal was.

But the huge queues that day shook our firm intention to get inside and deciding not to waste precious time, we went aside ... it was then that we got in the way of BODY WORLD.

Of course, after all these plasticized human bodies, the smiling one-eyed skeleton and the shattered shard looked already like cartoon characters.

I would like to note very positive inscriptions on the flights of stairs between floors, such as "You can’t change the situation, change your attitude towards it"

Please note that photographing and shooting exhibits on video is prohibited. But! Again, there are no rules without exceptions 😉

Having heard from the cashier that it is forbidden to take photographs in the museum, I decided to conduct reconnaissance in battle and said that I had a blog about life in for Russians and, perhaps, the Human Body Museum in the Netherlands is interested in having an article about them on my blog? What do you think was the positive answer?

After a couple of minutes, the supervisor approached me and filling out a short questionnaire, I received a “Press” badge. And, so, you do not see this horror story on my blog.

The funny thing is that in spite of the hanging badge, I often caught the disapproving glances and whispering of the law-abiding, because shooting in the museum is prohibited. In order not to burn out under their sizzling glances, I had to indicate my official permission with a polite smile. 😉

Practical information

  Damrak 66

Ticket price at the box office:
  adult - 20 euros;
  children (from 6 to 18 years old) - 18 euros, children up to 5 years old inclusive - free
Save 2 euros on each ticket   You can order tickets online.

The human body museum in the Netherlands is open:
  daily - from 9:00 to 19:00
  on Thursday, Friday and Saturday - from 9:00 to 21:00

On September 14, 1995, for the first time, the most popular exhibition of contemporary art was organized - the amazing and terrifying Body Worlds of Gunter von Hagens. In honor of this date, we have selected for you the best photos of this bewitching exhibition.

It seems that with the fact that a person in the context, captured for some everyday activities, which, it seems, allows you to better know how our body behaves in those places that are usually hidden under the skin - this is a thing if not amazing, then, at least, curious, everyone will agree. And with the fact that Gunter von Hagens’s traveling exhibition is amazing and terrifying, everyone will have to agree after they learn that the exhibits are not some mannequins, not wax, not gypsum, and not plastic. These are real human bodies, bodies of the dead.

The unique method of mummification developed by the author of Body Worlds was allowed to save perishable human remains in such a way that it was possible not only to work with them using artistic methods, but also to safely transport them from place to place like some bronze sculptures. Gunter von Hagens invented this method of preserving biological material in 1977 by trying in a special way to introduce biopolymers common in anatomical and medical laboratories into living tissues. The result is before your eyes.

The author of Body Worlds is not that an artist - he is a medic. Anatomist. Born in Poland and living in East Germany, Gunter managed to remain a political prisoner until in 1970 he was ransomed together with other citizens who had a conflict with the pro-Soviet regime of the GDR, the government of West Germany. After that, he completed his studies at the Faculty of Medicine, interrupted by his arrest, worked for a long time at the Institute of Anatomy and Pathology, and in the early nineties founded the Institute of Plastination and suddenly became an artist. Those. to those whom he looked like from the very beginning - always with a black hat on his head (as a reference to the headdress of the Renaissance anatomists), with the face of either a child, or a maniac, or even a wax figure.

The highlight of the exhibition is, of course, human bodies, frozen in their usual daily activities, whether it is sports or sex. Revealing for the most part viscera to muscle tissue, sometimes Gunther's sculptures show more - internal organs or skeleton. Often, additional elements are used to give the message, but only those that really can be in the human body are hip prostheses or, say, artificial heart valves. Sometimes the artist creates altogether strange compositions from biological material, which are great for surrealism. He uses animal bodies as well. The author designates his task as showing the true beauty of the human body, completely, without prohibitions and without objection.

Due to its specificity, the exhibition is often criticized by everyone who, in general, is not too lazy to criticize. The Czech Senate, the French court, a bunch of different religious organizations, ranging from Catholic to Jewish, - the exhibition had to withstand the pressure of many organizations and individual activists. One could say that scandalous fame gives Body Worlds popularity, but rather, the exhibition simply exists separately from the critics, in some other space where all visitors enter, in a world where the human body itself is an object of art. In any case, neither von Hagens himself nor the curators have ever clogged the media space with an advertisement that puts pressure on shocking.

GENEVA, September 23- RIA News. Elizaveta Isakova. Guanter von Hagens, an anatomist known as Doctor Death, who has been involved in several investigations, has opened another exhibition from the Body Worlds cycle in Geneva. The artist hopes to bring the exhibition to Russia one day, but he’s not sure that the Russians will perceive his work “correctly”. RIA Novosti correspondent visited the exhibition.

Is body like art?

The anatomical exhibition Body Worlds consists of real human bodies and organs processed using polymer plastination. In total, over 200 platelets are presented in the Palexpo exhibition complex in Geneva, showing not only the person in all details from birth to death, but also internal organs separately. The audio guide is voiced by the author himself, Gunter von Hagens, who tells visitors about the exhibits, his scientific research, as well as the history of the anatomy and motives of the donors who provided their bodies for the experiments.

“Everything that we do with our bodies matters. Everything that you eat dissolves and becomes a part of you. If you are active and play sports, it will have an instant effect on you. And we made this exhibition to show everything more clearly this is to put it in people's heads and give them knowledge. It will change their lives, ”said Ron Novosti, wife of von Hagens and curator of Body Worlds exhibitions, Angelina Weili.

“The more open we are, the less will be the conflicting interpretation of our work,” the curator emphasized.

According to the organizers of Body Worlds, along with the aesthetic component, the exhibition also carries a learning element. For example, comparing the lungs of a healthy person with the lungs of a smoker can help more people quit smoking. And the enlarged liver of an alcoholic should indicate the harm of excessive drinking. The Geneva version of the exposition also examines in detail the effects of nutrition and regular exercise on the body.

Von Hagens invented the technique of plastination to preserve bodies in 1977. The method is based on replacing all body fluid with hardening plastic, which allows the body to solidify in any position. Thus, it can be stored up to 50 thousand years. Only the bodies of donors are used for plastination, of which there are already over 17 thousand around the world (9408 of them are women). It takes about 1,500 hours to create one plate. Von Hagens' works were exhibited in 26 countries around the world, over 45 million people saw them. Two permanent exhibitions of Body Worlds host visitors in Amsterdam and Berlin. Another museum will open next week in German Heidelberg, where the doctor began his work.

Will there be an exhibition in Russia?

Valie noted that they would love to bring Body Worlds to Russia, but they fear cultural misunderstanding and have not yet found partners and sponsors.

"The world is big, we have been to many places, and Russia is one of those places we would like to come to. But we have to take into account many things when entering a new cultural environment. For example, we do not speak the language, we need partners, sponsors .... So, I’m not sure yet that it will work in Russia. It may work, but we haven’t tried it yet, ”she said.

The curator of the exhibition emphasized that the plastification process is very expensive, but so far all exhibitions and laboratory work have been carried out exclusively with funds raised from ticket sales.

Scandals and investigations

Despite the huge interest from the public, the opening of Body Worlds in Geneva caused a negative reaction from deputies of the conservative People’s Party of Switzerland. The party’s representative in the government of the canton of Geneva, Mark Falket, said that the exhibition “leaves a feeling of disgust” and is blasphemy, and the demonstration of corpses cannot bear any educational sense. According to him, this exposition violates the Geneva Constitution, as it contradicts the principle of protecting human dignity.

The exhibition organizers responded to these statements with statistics, presenting the data of a survey conducted among visitors to previous exhibitions. So, only 5% of the respondents considered that, to some extent, the exposed plates could pose a threat to human dignity.

This is not the first time that Hagens aesthetics has caused mixed reactions from the audience. He himself assures that his expositions are primarily educational in nature. However, in a number of countries criminal proceedings have been instituted against the anatomist and his Plastination Institute. So, the London prosecutor's office opened a case against von Hagens, who conducted a public autopsy at the Atlantis London art gallery. In Russia, Dr. Death appeared in 2002 as a witness in the case of the delivery to his Institute of 56 corpses and 400 brain preparations from Novosibirsk. After such scandals, von Hagens began to use only donor bodies in his experiments.

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Not so long ago, namely on January 16, 2014, a new anatomical museum called BODY WORLDS appeared in Amsterdam. The museum is located in a historic building in the city center between the main station and Dam Square and is nothing more than a real exhibition of human bodies. Here you will get acquainted with the amazing story of our own body, learn about the impact of positive emotions on our health and embark on an exciting journey full of amazing discoveries of the human body.

About the museum

To begin with, the museum has more than 200 anatomical samples of real human bodies that show how our organs work and clearly demonstrate how complex our body is. BODY WORLDS shows that regardless of race and various external attributes, we are all exactly the same inside. You begin your visit on the sixth floor of the building, and then go down during the tour - each floor symbolizes a separate gallery theme. An amazing saxophonist on stage, a human heart, presented as if under a microscope with all the smallest details, a vivid demonstration of the lungs of a smoking and non-smoking person, a thoughtful chess player, a man with a helm in his hands - all the “human sculptures” are thought out to the smallest detail and seem so real. Go to the exhibition and you will learn how love affects our brains, how a feeling of happiness affects our health and body, and you can also discover the amazing secrets of happiness. Museum staff will be happy to tell you which factors more than others contribute to obtaining positive emotions and, at the same time, are useful for our body. It is no accident that the BODY WORLDS project in Amsterdam is called the “Project of Happiness”.

Having plunged into the history of the creation of plastination technique, in which it became possible to preserve anatomical samples and stop decomposition, we want to report that this method belongs to the German scientist Hunter von Hagens and became popular at the end of the last century. The first BODY WORLDS exhibition was held in Tokyo in 1995 and subsequently was housed in more than 50 museums in America, Europe and Asia. Despite all kinds of controversy and religious and ethical objections, BODY WORLDS (original German name - Körperwelten) gathered a total of about 40 million visitors and became the most popular such exhibition in the world.

Visit planning

The BODY WORLDS exhibition in Amsterdam is located at Damrak 66, 1012 LM. You can easily get by tram from the main station of the city or walk - the travel time does not exceed 10 minutes. The doors of the museum are open for guests daily from 9 to 20 hours and until 22 hours on Saturdays, and in the summer from July 16 to September 4, 2016 BODY WORLDS will be open until 21:00 (and until 22 hours on Saturdays). We want to draw your attention to the fact that the last visitors are launched one hour before the museum closes.

The main goal of the BODY WORLDS exhibition is to increase public awareness of health problems, so all teachers and teachers can get to the museum for free. An ordinary adult ticket will cost 18 euros, a child ticket 12 euros, a ticket for visitors over 65 years old - 16 euros, and for children under 5 years old, admission to the museum is free. You can also buy a “family ticket” for 4 people for 52 euros, which involves visiting the exhibition with at least two children. We want to inform travelers as a whole family that, as practice shows, children are not at all afraid of museum exhibits, but rather study the exhibition with curiosity and interest. All facilities are also provided for wheelchair users to visit BODY WORLDS, with the exception of the part of the exhibition located in the basement. Entrance will cost 12 euros.

According to reviews, the BODY WORLDS exhibition is considered one of the best museums in Amsterdam, and is also a great place to visit for tourists of all ages. So, if you are going to the Netherlands with friends or the whole family, feel free to include the museum in the list of main attractions and embark on an exciting journey through the human body, the impressions of which will remain with you for a long time.

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