Chemistry professions for men. The mysterious world of nature and professions related to biology

  Experts say that the best way to choose a profession is based on three pillars: “I want,” “I can,” and “I must.”

I want - these are professional inclinations and interests. I can - human abilities. It is necessary - the requirements of the labor market, the demand for a similar profession and the specifics of this demand.

№ Type of profession Examples of professions with higher education Examples of professions with secondary vocational education 1 person - nature Veterinarian, geneticist, agronomist, biologist, microbiologist, soil scientist, anthropologist, ichthyologist, zoopsychologist, ecologist, breeder, etc. Farmer, soil scientist, livestock breeder, plant grower , veterinarian, dog handler, huntsman, forest ranger, decorator, florist, etc. 2 people - technician Biotechnologist, material scientist 3 people - man Teacher, doctor, psychologist, employee of the Ministry of Emergencies, 4 nurse - chemist, biologist, bioengineer Meteorologist 5 man - an artistic image Technologist of artistic metalworking (jeweler), landscape designer, make-up artist Make-up artist, florist

Materials technologies: material technologist, rubber technologist, glass technologist, fuel and energy industry technologist, food industry technologist, metal art processing technologist (jeweler), nano technologist

Safety specialist in chemical protection, biological protection, radiation safety, Cree military officers.

In agriculture: agronomist, livestock breeder, veterinarian, breeder, plant protection specialist, ecologist, agricultural engineer, landscape designer.

Medicine - doctors, laboratory assistants, paramedics, genetics, nurses, emergency doctors.

A specialty is the name of a specific type of training, which ends with the assignment of a qualification (for example, a bachelor, specialist or master).

The Valeologist is a specialist in preserving human health and preventing disease, giving recommendations on the formation of a healthy lifestyle in order to improve the quality of life, social adaptation, increase working capacity and active longevity of people.

An anesthetist-resuscitator is a doctor who provides painless surgical procedures, as well as patient safety during and after surgery.

Chiropractor - a doctor who treats the spine, muscles and joints, acting on them with his hands.

A phoniatrist is a doctor, a specialist in voice problems.

A pharmacist is a highly qualified pharmacist who has the right to independent pharmaceutical work (manufacture of medicines) and to the management of a pharmacy.

Hematologist - detects blood diseases and carries out their treatment. .

  Andrologist Venereologist Virologist Ambulance doctor Gynecologist Dermatologist Dental technician Immunologist Infectionist Cardiologist Cardiac surgeon Beautician Speech therapist Neurologist Neurologist Neurosurgeon Nephrologist Ocologist Oncologist Orthopedist Otorhinolaryngologist Pediatrician Proctologist Sexologist Sports doctor Dentist Therapist Therapist Therapist Therapist Therapist

The field of information technology is one of the most promising. Their distribution and impact on human life is already huge, and will only increase in the future. IT professionals and computer hardware developers

The profession of an engineer is already becoming more and more in demand. In Russia, there was an acute shortage of professional production specialists. An important point: engineers with a combination of technical and humanitarian education will be especially appreciated. Engineers

The biotechnologist is engaged in developments in the field of molecular medicine, biology, biopharmaceutical production, and in other industries. Electronics and Biotechnology Specialists

There is a forecast that in about 10 there will be a glut in the Russian market of goods and services. To market them, you will need specially trained people - marketers. They will be engaged in practically the same thing as now - strategy, leadership, networking, etc. - but at a wider level. Marketers

If the level of income growth of the population of our country does not decrease (and according to forecasts, it will increase), then the size of the middle class and the general standard of living will increase significantly. This means that there will be an increase in the need for quality service and, consequently, in service professions. Service Related Professionals

They organize the delivery and transportation of goods, their storage, solve transport issues, organize the relationship between production, warehouse, customs, customer. This difficult profession will require good training and quality education. Logisticians

The problems of environmental pollution, climate change and lack of resources are becoming the most relevant today. Environmentalists are called upon to deal with these problems and look for new and modern ways to solve them. Ecologists

A wide field of activity awaits doctors: from the cultivation of artificial organs to the use of nanotechnology. The medical profession is likely to never lose its relevance and relevance. Medicine as a science is becoming increasingly complex, and doctors need more and more knowledge and an increasingly extensive and deep education. Doctors

First of all, chemists will be involved in the field of energy, in particular, in the development of alternative energy sources. Chemists

Sites of the choice of the educational institution Portal https: // www. ucheba. ru / section "High school student and entrant" ("universities") - search for a university in which they teach your profession. A complete list of specialties that are presented in Moscow universities can be found on the website http: // www. provuz. com /. By clicking on the specialty number we get a list of Moscow universities teaching this specialty.

With the end of a wonderful school time, the students and their parents have a crucial question, where to go and where to study. Without exaggeration, the fate of man depends on this choice. And it is very important to make the right choice, on which the material situation of a person and his peace of mind will depend.

The Faculty of Biology is in demand among applicants, because the choice of professions in which biology is needed is quite wide. What are some biology related professions?

Features of different activities

What professions do you need biology for science Let's understand. Of course, such a profession first comes to mind when mentioning the subject of biology itself. It should be understood that the biologist’s vacancies imply not only the teaching field.


A biologist can specialize in one or several areas. A person with appropriate education can work in a school educational institution and teach subjects “zoology” and “botany”.

Maybe such a person is closely connected with medical science: anatomy, genetics. And maybe a leading specialist in the field of microbiology.

To devote yourself to such a profession, you should, first of all, possess such qualities as patience, perseverance, attentiveness and observation. But first of all, you need to love wildlife. Only in this case can a person fully realize himself in this profession and enjoy his work.

Very often, biology keeps pace with chemistry. For example, biochemistry implies a tandem of biology and chemistry. The chemical and biological bias of the profession is in demand both in the field of pedagogy, and in the field of medicine and pharmaceuticals.

A biologist must be able to experiment, analyze and draw conclusions from the information received.


Biological education will also be needed for the profession of ecologist. Such a field of activity is suitable for people who are concerned about environmental problems.

But it is worthwhile to understand that, while contributing to the protection of the environment, one must be prepared for routine, daily, painstaking work. There will be not so many heroic everyday life where you will save the world.

The activity of an ecologist involves interacting with people, eliminating negative human factors in the space around us.

It could be:

  1. Monitoring the correct and timely compliance with established standards.
  2. Compilation of various reports on the use of natural resources, the disposal of various wastes.
  3. Calculations of environmental damage from harm and potential damage.

The romance of interaction with nature in such work goes by the wayside, and gray everyday life and the eradication of their shortcomings come to the fore. In addition to knowledge of biology and chemistry, it is necessary to be able to competently maintain documentation. Oratory is also useful, because you may have to be able to convince the authorities that it is advisable to carry out production taking into account all environmental standards.

The medicine

The Faculty of Biology can become the basis for the profession of a medical professional. It includes the diagnosis of various diseases and their treatment. To become a doctor, it is not enough just to have a biological education. A person who is determined to devote himself to serving people should have certain skills and character traits.

First of all, you must have an irresistible desire to help people. But at the same time, the doctor should be able not to take human grief close to his heart. After all, at such a job every day you will have to face a variety of diseases, often incurable. The doctor should also be a good psychologist, be able to console a person, choose the right words at a sad moment.

Veterinary science

The veterinarian is the same doctor, only for animals. He must be able to correctly diagnose and select the necessary treatment for a variety of animal diseases. He is engaged in the examination of animal products.

Important! In this profession, it’s not enough just to love animals and want to help them.

You should also be prepared to cause temporary pain to the animal to further alleviate its condition. With wards our smaller brothers, as well as with cattle will have to carry out a variety of procedures.

Forestry engineer

Such vacancies also mean studying at the Faculty of Biology. The profile of this specialty is close to the ecologist. The forest is the lungs of our planet, since ancient times it was sung in folk art and composed tales about it.

But, unfortunately, in the modern world, the consumer approach to everything, including the forest, has provoked a catastrophic loss of forest land. Therefore, the profession of forestry engineer is as relevant as ever right now.

This specialty implies control over the forest area entrusted: illegal logging, uninvited guests - poachers, and increased fire hazard. Paper work in this specialty is also quite enough. Having chosen this orientation, one should also be mentally prepared for conflict situations, stress resistance will not interfere in this profession. The ability to explain and convince is simply necessary.


Cultivation of agricultural products is not complete without the knowledge and skills of a biologist. A person should be guided in a crop rotation, know where and when to plant plants and harvest. A qualified agronomist combines the researcher, owner and manager.

He must know how:

  • cultivate and fertilize the soil;
  • fight various pests and diseases of crops.

The responsibilities of the agronomist include the preparation of a production plan and strict control over its implementation. An agronomist must know and control absolutely everything: from soil preparation to the correct storage of an already harvested crop. Of course, such a profession is suitable for those who like a rural way of life, whose element is land and vegetation.


If your calling is to work with children, then a biology teacher is just what you need. Exciting lessons and laboratory experiments will bring pleasure not only to the teacher, but also to the younger generation. After all, any work will work out if you do it from the heart.


Making all kinds of diets is also impossible without the qualified knowledge of a biologist.

Such a profession has become fashionable and in demand in the modern world, where obesity has become a real scourge.

To develop a diet, you need to have a biologist specialization and thoroughly know the human body and its needs.


The pharmacist profession is also keeping pace with biology. After all, if a person does not know thoroughly how all the organs of the human body work and what functions, then he will not be able to choose the right one, or even develop the necessary medicine.

Dog science

Such specialization is closely related to the physiology of our smaller brothers. Dog breeding and their training require knowledge in the field of biological science. Dog handler is working on breeding new breeds and improving old ones. Therefore, the possession of information about dog physiology in this matter is simply necessary.

Useful video

To summarize

As can be seen from the above facts, the profession of a biologist implies a fairly broad and diverse scope. It is important only to make the right choice and to study the subject qualitatively in order to subsequently become a highly qualified specialist.

In contact with

There are a lot of professions related to biology and they are diverse. Specialists of this profile can be found in all spheres of human activity. Biologists by their profession are engaged in research and study of the plant and animal worlds of planet Earth. Professional activity is determined to a greater extent by its specialization: zoologists study the animal world, botanists study the flora, physiologists study the structure of man. Possessing this knowledge, based on the studies, medicine and pharmacology, livestock and crop production, work in the field of selection, and the food industry are open to specialists.

Specialization areas

Having passed a certain specialization on the basis of the subject of biology, specialists are ready to realize themselves in such areas as industrial fauna, hunting, biodesign, will be able to monitor biological and environmental issues, teach environmental law and economic fundamentals of ecology, and also prepare materials on environmental impact assessments.

Biology as a basic discipline provides an impetus for further study and implementation of more modern knowledge and specialties:

  • molecular biologist studies genetic engineering at the intercellular level of its regulation;
  • a specialist in clinical biochemistry investigates the biochemistry of pathological processes, xenobiotics and carcinogenesis.
  • the knowledge of biology opens up opportunities to work in agriculture in such positions as:
  • technologist-technologist or engineer-technologist of production and processing of livestock products;
  • tribal technician;
  • breeder in various livestock industries;
  • product quality control engineer.

Chemistry and the future profession

The chemist's specialization is based on the study of the composition of substances. Carrying out analyzes and experiments, the specialist determines the chemical compositions of solids, gases, liquids and the specific gravity of the constituent chemical elements. Chemists are very in demand at any enterprises and industries. They define and formulate the standards and technologies of the required processes. The quality of production of raw materials, food, goods is determined by control on the basis of chemical data, analyzes and studies.

The scope of application of the knowledge of a chemist is very diverse and extensive: pharmaceuticals, medicine, construction, forensics, agriculture, metallurgy, military and food industry, science and others. Almost all representatives of the medical specialty can not do without knowledge in the field of chemistry. Purely “chemical” professions, such as chemical chemists, chemical engineers, chemists-researchers, or chemists-analysts are needed both in research institutions and in production.

A process chemist is a researcher in a particular industry. Neither the national economy, nor research institutes can do without them. We encounter the results of their work every day - fuel, paints, household chemicals and much, much more.

One of the promising areas of activity for chemists today is pharmacology, the production of cosmetics or chemistry. The entire range of medicines and cosmetics was created by chemists who know about their properties, composition, and their effect on our body, almost everything.

It is inconceivable to imagine modern production without chemists:

  • in construction - this is the creation and testing of new composite materials;
  • in the oil and oil refining industries - control of fuel production;
  • in the military and nanospheres - the creation of technology.

As you can see, at the beginning of the XIX century (and Liebig graduated from high school in 1819), she was not one of the famous and prestigious. But it was thanks to chemistry that mankind emerged from the Stone Age into the age of metals and hundreds of thousands of other materials that have become indispensable. Think about it: everywhere we are surrounded by materials to which chemists had a hand. With the help of chemistry, fabrics, clothes, shoes, furniture, dishes, detergents and explosives, paints, building materials, cosmetics, electrical equipment, all types of transport and many other useful and necessary things are made. “Chemistry widely spreads his hands in human affairs” - these are the words of M.V. Lomonosov perfectly express the scale of chemistry.

And the chemist himself changes the face of the world.  He creates new substances and composite materials from ordinary mineral raw materials, turns natural components into hundreds and thousands of products necessary for man. By the way, today mankind knows about 10 million chemical compounds, and you have a chance to increase this number by becoming the discoverer of new ones.

Will a chemist come out of you?

Perhaps right now you are deciding whether to connect your fate with chemistry, whether you have the abilities that would allow you to make a brilliant career in this area. Academician D. A. Epstein argued that they consist of two main components: “chemical head” + “chemical hands”.
  What does it mean? We can say that a person has a “chemical head”, if he has good logical, associative and figurative thinking, abilities to abstract and generalize, and terminological memory. (However, these same qualities will allow their owner to succeed in the field of any natural science - biology, physics or geography.)

But the most important thing in a real chemist is a vivid interest in substances and the processes of their transformations, the desire to work with them. The peculiarity of chemical thinking lies in figurative and model ideas about matter and its transformations at the microworld level. And when a person with such thinking has neat, delicate hands - this is a born synthetic chemist or analyst.

When considering biographies of the recognized luminaries of chemistry, one can notice that it was the processes of transformation of substances that aroused their keen interest in childhood. So, D. I. Mendeleev’s childhood passed in a glass factory, Yu. Liebig enthusiastically watched the preparation of drugs in his father’s pharmacy, V. Ostwald was engaged in photography, and he was especially interested in the preparation of developer solutions, fixatives, as well as the processes by which The image appears on paper. Many more examples can be given, but I think the main idea is clear - you can become a good chemist if you are interested in the chemistry of processes.

And in order to more thoroughly check the degree of your abilities and to get acquainted in detail with chemical science and the chemical industry, read the book by G. V. Lisichkin and L. A. Korobeinikova “Are you fit into chemists?”


It should be remembered that at his workplace a chemist constantly deals with toxic, corrosive, flammable substances, therefore, contraindications to this profession should not be ignored. This is an imperfection of the sensory organs (tactile sensitivity, vision, smell), disorders of the nervous system (dizziness, trembling hands), diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory system, distraction, unstable attention, and a high tendency to allergic reactions. All this can make work in the specialty unbearable.

At the same time, one should not think that a modern chemist is doomed to feel unwell. Compliance with safety regulations, the use of modern means of protection can eliminate harm to health or minimize it.

Three way

For a person who has decided to become a chemist, there are three possible areas of study that will largely determine the future job.

Scientific activity

Classical chemical education can be obtained at the Department of Chemistry of the Classical University. Such a specialist can best realize his potential as a research chemist. This area of \u200b\u200bactivity is right for you, if you are interested in scientific research, you like to do chemistry additionally, you make significant progress in chemical olympiads, realize the crucial importance of chemistry in the life of mankind and dream of a Nobel Prize. Let us say right away that such an application of forces has great prospects. So, of the 14 main applied problems that need to be resolved in the 21st century (according to the report of the US National Academy of Engineering for 2006), three are to be solved precisely by chemists. A chemist-researcher will especially benefit from the aforementioned “chemical head” + “chemical hands”, an irresistible desire to find the truth and the ability to research.

According to vocational guidance terminology of psychologists, the field of work of a chemist-researcher is “man-substance” (in combination with the types “man-nature”, “man-technology” and “man-sign systems”). The main content of labor is the study of the structure of matter and the mechanisms of chemical reactions, the analysis and synthesis of substances, the development of scientific theories.

A modern chemical laboratory is equipped with many sophisticated instruments, but the ability to work well with hands is still important for a chemical researcher.

The main result of labor is the accumulation of scientific information, publications in scientific journals, patents.

If you want to engage in science in the field of chemistry, then research laboratories of universities and research institutes are waiting for you as a place of work. The leading research institutes of the chemical profile in Moscow are:

Young specialists are always welcome here - and you can continue your education by studying in graduate school, but there is one significant drawback. Research institutes are budgetary organizations, and salaries are small (in the range of 10–20 thousand rubles), especially for beginning specialists. So choose a scientific career or enthusiasts who can completely absorb the solution of scientific problems, or those who want to gain the initial experience necessary for a successful start in the profession. After all, many enterprises will be happy to receive a leading specialist or head of a laboratory with a candidate’s degree, and even more so doctors of sciences.


Pedagogical chemical education can be obtained at the chemical and biological faculties of the classical university, as well as at the chemical or biological-chemical faculty of the pedagogical institute (there are only a few in Moscow). A person with such an education expects the workplace of a chemistry teacher at school or a chemistry teacher at colleges and technical schools. In addition to the “chemical head” and “chemical hands”, pedagogical abilities will be required here, since in this case the interaction “man-man” comes first, and only then - “man-substance” and “man-nature”.

You should go to chemistry teachers if you like the teacher’s work (try putting yourself in the place of your current teacher), you love children and nature, and have success in studying chemistry at school. The main content of the teacher’s work is directly the process of teaching chemistry, the main result of labor is to increase the level of chemical education of students and their environmental culture. Note that of all areas of the chemist’s activity, it is precisely in the teaching environment that contact with hazardous substances is minimal, which means that the risk of injury or chronic disease over time is almost zero. The situation here is not bad with jobs either: teaching staff is always needed - but the salary in this area of \u200b\u200bactivity leaves much to be desired. In Moscow, the situation is more favorable than in the regions: here the average teacher salary at the beginning of 2008 amounted to about 20 thousand rubles - on the periphery this figure drops to 5-10 thousand rubles. However, now the ministry is taking a number of measures to increase the prestige of the teaching profession and rejuvenate teaching staff, because today 40 percent of school teachers are of retirement age and they need a replacement.


Specialists with technological chemical education graduate from chemical engineering departments of technical universities, among them the leading ones are:

  • Russian University of Chemical Technology D. I. Mendeleev (RCTU),
  • Moscow State Academy of Fine Chemical Technology M.V. Lomonosov,
  • Moscow State Open University.

A person who has been educated here is waiting for the work of a process engineer in a chemical production. The main areas of action of the technologist are “man-technician” and “man-substance”, technical thinking, inventive abilities, place of work - workshops of factories and production laboratories (work indoors or outdoors, in a “chemical microclimate”) are welcomed. More recently, many chemical enterprises in Russia were idle, and 5-7% of graduates of specialized universities went to work at the factories, but now times are changing - and the reviving chemical industry is in dire need of young specialists. In addition, today many chemical enterprises in Russia began to offer decent salaries - for example, a specialist can receive from 25,000 to 50,000 rubles at the plant, and in some cases one can count on the provision of departmental housing. Chemists and technologists are in great demand at enterprises for the production and processing of plastics, at factories producing paints and varnishes, fertilizers, and in the petrochemical industry. The essence of the work of the chemist-technologist is the development of new compounds with desired properties; in conducting research on the selection of optimal raw materials, the introduction of technologies for the production of new products and the control of these processes; in studying the properties of the obtained substances and adjusting the formulations in order to improve their quality.

It should be noted that today it is not just chemists-technologists who are especially in demand (and have the highest income level), but specialists who are able to work with suppliers of raw materials, are well versed in the chemicals market, can develop and lead projects for introducing a new type of product. So, you will not be prevented by initiative, the ability to work with people, additional knowledge in economics and management. All these qualities will help to make a career and take leadership positions in a chemical enterprise.

Get a chemical education

The good news is that the competition for chemical specialties is usually small, even in leading specialized institutes it is rarely higher than two people per place. For example, in the Russian Technical University named after D.I. Mendeleev for the popular specialty "Chemical technology of organic substances" last year the competition was 1.8 people. The highest competition was, perhaps, at the chemical faculty of Moscow State University (3.4 people). We note, however, that in the last ten years, up to 80% of the medalists who submitted applications here become students of the Faculty of Chemistry. I think this situation is associated more with the demographic crisis than with the decline in the interest of applicants to chemistry. However, this is not a reason to relax: entrance exams are still difficult. In addition to specialized chemistry, you need to pass mathematics and the Russian language. Most chemical universities have preparatory courses.

However, those who entered the chemistry department need to prepare for long and hard work. Studying as a chemist is really hard - and only those who are genuinely passionate about this science can do it. Chemistry in one form or another is studied during the entire period of study.  You will have a close acquaintance with inorganic, organic, analytical, physical, colloidal and other types of chemistry. Traditionally, the difficulties are caused by the large volume of higher mathematics and physics studied in the first two courses. If the university is technological, then complex technical disciplines should be added to this: “Automation of chemical and technological processes”, “Control, accounting and technical and economic analysis in the industry”, etc.

And we can only wish success to all future chemists in admission, study and employment.

In the modern world, we see the rapid development of technological areas.

Every day more and more in demand are technical specialties. To become highly qualified specialists in this field, a sufficiently strong knowledge in mathematics, physics and chemistry is required.

After all, almost all are technical. They allow us to drive cars, fly airplanes, watch TV and so on. This is not to mention the various jewelry that came with a person for many millennia.

But the professions associated with chemistry are not limited only to technical specialties.

Here is a short list of professions related to the chemical industry: anatomist, anthropologist, archivist, astronomer, geographer, geologist, forensic scientist, metallurgist pharmacologist, physiologist and ethnologist.

It is worth considering that this is far, not even half, of all possible specialties. Let us dwell on a few of them.

It consists in the work in the field of processing metal from rocks or scrap metal.

People of this specialty, one might say, are pulling on themselves the entire economy of the country.

This profession is divided into several specialties. It includes in its list, gas workers, plumbers, machinists, miners, steelworkers and many other workers.

For such a job, you need excellent physical fitness, health, a willingness to patiently and steadfastly do the work, have a good reaction and a sense of balance.

The profession of an anthropologist is the study of man as a biological species. This takes into account its origin, development, diversity, identity, age, gender and nationality.

This profession can be divided into a number of specialties: physical anthropology, social anthropology, cultural anthropology, linguistic anthropology and prehistoric anthropology. In principle, philosophical anthropology can also be attributed here.

Among all this, a number of industries can be distinguished: historical, ethnic, age, environmental, and even sports anthropology.

A person in this profession should be neat, attentive, assiduous and able to analyze and compare facts.

It consists in taking a variety of soil samples with subsequent laboratory analysis, studying the composition and origin of soils, determining the feasibility of building mines, wells, architectural or other objects, as well as reporting.

Any geologist should know the features of soils of different terrain, be able to determine the composition of soils and their physical characteristics, work with various equipment for conducting research on the ground or in the laboratory, have good knowledge of physics, chemistry, biology and ecology, be able to make plans, drawings and diagrams, and also know safety precautions.

In general, all professions related to chemistry require good knowledge and great responsibility.

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