A black swallow flew into the house. Signs about the swallows

If a sparrow, dove or other bird flew out the window - this sign can be interpreted in different ways. Many fear that this is an omen of someone’s death, but this is not so, everything depends on the bird. For example, the tit has long been considered the messenger of death, and the dove is considered to be good news or a wedding, the swallow says the weather is worsening, and the magpie says gossip.

Pigeon flew out the window - sign

If a pigeon flies in the window, most of it will not promise you anything disgusting. Believers believe that this bird can not bring bad news or become a prerequisite for nasty action. It was in her form that the Lord appeared to the Virgin Mary. Pigeons were considered the envoys of Venus and Aphrodite. At the moment, it is customary to release them at wedding ceremonies. There is even one wedding sign - if a pair of pigeons flies nearby, it means the marriage will be happy.

A clear interpretation of the signs that  a dove flew into the house it depends on some details. If in his beak you saw a blade of grass, a flower or even a dry twig, it means that the pigeon brought excellent announcements. Recently, some pleasant event has been awaiting you, maybe it's long-awaited purchases or gifts, replenishment in the family, a wedding and almost everything else. It is not clear how large-scale the event will be, but it is clear that it will amuse you.

There is another sign that says that if a pigeon flew into the apartment and behaves uneasily, this is not a bad omen. The dove, which beats against the walls and ceiling, is considered the messenger of perdition. It is certainly a question of the death of one of the tenants, maybe you will be at the funeral of a distant relative or acquaintance. Pigeons are identified with the souls of deceased relatives, and if they are nervous, flying into the house, this serves as a bad foreknowledge.

If you often keep the windows open, there is nothing breathtaking in the birds flying at times. If the pigeon behaves relatively quietly and does not show anger, he predicts something not bad. As a rule, this is the birth of a baby, wedding, engagement and other pleasant activities associated with the family. This omen gains special not bad value if a snow-white dove has flown. Believers believe that a bird flown into the house is the soul of a relative who wants to give their descendants instruction or advice.

But if the windows were closed, but the pigeon somehow somehow got into the room, the family will fail. Most likely, this is the death of any of its members. As a rule, this is either a serious injury or a languid disease.

Swallow flew into the house - sign

If a swallow flew into the house, signs promise a rain or a thunderstorm. This is justified by the fact that these birds descend lower due to a drop in atmospheric pressure. Before the rain, they often accidentally fall into open windows, trying to catch prey. But this predicts not only the deterioration of the weather. Naturally, if you don’t have a swallow’s nest right above the window. Very often they fly to the last floors of houses, in the attics of which there is an opportunity to build a nest, and this is not a matter of signs.

If the swallow flew into the house through the door, this is an excellent sign. She promises you great family related announcements. Maybe this is pregnancy, the birth of a baby, a wedding or engagement, or maybe you will be godmother. Signs about swallows are very similar to those that say about pigeons, because this bird is also considered sacred.

If the swallow flew out the window and immediately flew back, this sign about the announcements. But what kind of news it will be - good or bad, is not clear. In some regions, the swallow in the house predicts death to one of the tenants, but only on condition that it enters the house through a chimney, and not a window or door. If a bird flies out the window and heads toward a person, this predicts a fortune for him.

If the swallow flew into your house after you buried a relative or friend, it means that the deceased is trying to tell you that in the afterlife, everything is fine with him. This is believed in Belgium, but in Ireland they believe that there is a piece of demon blood in the swallows. and therefore their appearance does not predict anything good.

Sparrow flew into the house - sign

Sparrows are considered cursed birds. The Lord took their opportunity to walk for stealing nails from people and bringing them to the place of execution of Jesus Christ. There is another worldview about the cause of the sparrow curse - they gave out with their tweets the abode of Jesus Christ to those who persecuted him. Therefore, if a sparrow flew into the house, this is definitely a bad omen for a believer.

If a sparrow flew out the window, signs promise death in this house.  Most likely, one of the residents or their relatives will die. Sign in this case only, if he flew out by himself. But it is impossible to harm the bird, the injury threatens inconsistencies in personal life and affairs. You should carefully catch the sparrow and let it out.

Sparrows cannot be killed either. It is believed that whoever does this, trying to avoid bad omens, can become ill, die or suffer from severe problems and troubles. In the old days, it was believed that nothing disgusting would happen if a sparrow destroys or drives the cat away. For him, this is an ordinary matter, because a sparrow is his prey, and to her he remains both on the street and indoors.

Tit flew out the window - sign

If a tit flew into the house, this is a sign of destruction. This bird is considered the harbinger of deaths, illnesses and misfortunes with members of the family that lives in the house. The reasons for the appearance of such superstitions are unidentified, but many people noticed that after a tit visited their house, there was grief.

Most likely, misfortune will happen in the house soon, and even if it does not become a prerequisite for the death of any member of the family, it will seriously affect the life of the household. With a high probability, those who saw the titmouse in their own house will have to be at the funeral.

But there is not a bad side of the signs about the tit, which says that if it flew into the house, it means that it brought excellent announcements from afar. Proponents of this value are convinced that if a bird knocks on a window, it will lead to death and tears, and if it flies into a house, it brings great news.

Bird flew out the window - omen

Signs about the bird. which flew into the window, often have different meanings. It all depends on what kind of bird it was, and from time to time it is still worth taking a closer look at how it behaves. Birds are often identified with the souls of the deceased, because if it behaves relaxed, maybe you have been visited by a deceased relative or friend from a long time ago. Some consider every bird that flies into a living room a messenger of death.

A nightingale that flies out a window or door brings satisfaction and happiness. Maybe soon you will get rich. From time to time they say that the nightingale predicts a happy old age in abundance. This is a bird of wealth, home well-being and good news, do not be scared if it got into your apartment.

Ravens have always been considered companions of warlocks and messengers of misfortune. Therefore, if such a bird flew out the window, signs of a raven predicted the death of a relative, a languid disease, or other failure.

Jackdaws and magpies warn one of the residents about gossip. Maybe you should keep your mouth shut, or maybe you need to pay attention to those who can discuss you, until this has brought troubles.

Cuckoo in the house - to the fire. But this sign is not realized, if you manage to feed this bird, and later release it.

If the bird flew into the chimney of the stove or fireplace, it should be taken out as quickly as possible from there and released. Promises such a sign of lack of money, poverty and even hunger. From time to time they say that it is to perdition.

In the old days, they tried not to let poultry - geese, ducks, and especially chickens - into housing. This could not only lead to a mess, but also bring poverty and failure to the house. The most reliable messenger of ruin and need was considered chicken. Even in antiquity it was noticed that if this bird enters the house and clucks, the family will become impoverished.

What to do so that a bad omen does not come true

If a bird flies into your house and you are convinced that it predicts only problems or even death, you should know how to react correctly to this. Your actions may depend on how a bad omen is implemented. From time to time it is advised to carry out the manipulations described below in any case, even if the residents are convinced that the bird flew to the good.

During the time when you release the bird into the street, you can read it three times:

What brought with you - take it, take the bad news with you! I don’t need such news, do not fly to this house anymore!

But if you think that it is impossible to expel a bird without the help of others, or rather it will wait until it finds a way out, open windows and doors and wait until the bird leaves you. Then close the windows and doors, take a handful of cereals or crumbs and sprinkle them on the outside of the windowsill with these words:

If you want, fly in, but not for the soul, but for the food.

You flew for food, not for the soul.

If you do not have a window sill on the outside, you can throw food after the bird.

After the bird has flown away, the manipulations for the removal of failure do not end there. You should take a church candle and go around the whole apartment, and then spray every corner with holy water. If there are no blessed candles and water in your home, perform the following ritual.

Place all twelve candles in a circle and light them clockwise. After they all light up, read three times, and it is always better that the candles light up:

Lord, avert failure, ruin, and all 77 misfortunes. Amen!

Candles should completely burn out.

The next day after the bird arrives at the apartment, it is better to carry out a general cleaning in order to clean the house of the negative that could have been brought to it.

In general, signs about birds are practically always realized, therefore every person needs to know what the feathered messengers of heaven can tell.

I always thought that a raven is the death of a loved one. The bird is black and can not believe that it bodes, something is not bad. But for me the pigeons were associated with the soul of the deceased, who flew to visit his own relatives. She took the swallow as a symbol for well-being, prosperity, long-awaited pregnancy. It turns out that in some places I was right and it’s nice) Although, if a sparrow flew into the house, I would have moved my brains that he was mistaken for the road.

When I studied at school, a tit flew into the house from nowhere. Windows and windows were closed, November. I drove, drove the bird in the apartment, disappeared as suddenly as it appeared. And the next day I found out that my beloved woman had gone 4000 km to my hometown without saying goodbye to me. for me in my sixteen it was a big blow. We could not meet again. And even after 30 years I can’t find it on any network. So I believe in signs of flown birds.

From time immemorial, people treat birds as a special caste of animals. The fact is that birds can fly what we dream about from the very beginning of human history. Therefore, birds were considered the messengers of the gods - good or bad, it already depended on the type of bird.

It is not surprising that people always watched the behavior of birds with special apprehension, treating each flap of their wings and twitter as something mystical. The science of birdwatching dates back to the ancient Greeks.

It was called ornithomancy. Like the term chiromancy, ornithomancy means predicting the behavior of birds.

Further, these teachings passed to the Romans, and from them the ornithomancy “spread” throughout the Roman Empire. All that remains for us today is, alas, not science, but only bits of teachings, called folk signs associated with swallows - perhaps the most mystical birds.

Each sign with a swallow acquires its characteristic national color, and one should not be surprised that the same bird can be considered ominous or noble among different peoples of the world.

  • For example, in England,  to destroy a swallow’s nest (even if a bird left it) is considered a very bad deed. As a punishment for such behavior, a person will be covered from head to toe with freckles all his life. In general, among Christians, all signs with a swallow portend good.
  • Christians have a swallow  - This is the messenger of the gods, carrying with him to people love, joy and peace. According to its positive characteristics, it is equated to a dove - a bird of the world.
  • Slavic peoples  "Do not like" swallows. In them, a swallow flying into the house speaks of a bad omen - of imminent death and deplorable news.
  • In Belgiumon the contrary, a swallow flying into a house brings joy and happiness with it. So what is the bird to blame for?

Why do Slavs swallows in the house - a bad omen?

The fact is that the sign that the swallow flew into the house brings grief and death appeared among the Slavs on the basis of the spread of this bird among witches and witches.

That the swallow is a mystical bird, no one disputes. However, the evil glory came to her due to the fact that in their rituals, sorceresses used the swallow to enhance the effect of witchcraft. The swallow was considered a wanderer between the world of the living and the dead.

Of course, it was not used in the most blessed spells.

How to improve the situation if the swallow flew into the house?

If you adhere to the position of the Slavs regarding the signs of a swallow in the house, the situation can be corrected without harming you and the bird itself.

In no case should you kill or offend a bird - this is not good. The swallow, according to legend, should leave the house the same way as she entered, that is, through the window.

The bird must be carefully caught, picked up and released to say - "take away all the troubles with you." Then, whatever the sign, the swallow will take all the negativity from your house, and, of course, wish you happiness, because you did not offend her and released her.

Moving away from the topic of superstitions, a swallow flying into a house can simply mean the imminent beginning of a thunderstorm. And you shouldn’t look for mystics here - the pressure before the storm drops, the midges (what our feathered mystical friends eat) are pressed closer to the ground, and after them the swallows are drawn to profit. Here, inadvertently, and you can fly into the house.

Other folk signs about swallows

  1. It is also believed that the flight of the swallow, which you see when leaving your home, can mean either “good luck” or “I wouldn’t go anywhere in your place”.
  2. If the swallow flies on the right side - your path is approved by it, if on the left - go back home.
  3. A well-known fact, the swallow builds a nest only on the walls of economic and kind people.
  4. If such a construction appeared above your window or balcony, take the new tenants as a compliment to your housekeeping.

Video signs: swallow in the window of the house

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Swallows are unique birds. At all times, different cultures and peoples revered them. The swallows were assigned the most unusual properties, they were considered the harbingers of change. In this regard, in folklore there are many legends, signs and proverbs about swallows.

Unreasonable signs

Many signs begin: "the swallow flew into the house ...". Such superstitions do not carry within themselves a rational kernel. Most often, the signs of this sample are misconceptions and speculation. Here are some proverbs that you should not believe, but some people still try to not break them with superstitious horror:

1. A swallow flew over her shoulder low-low and touched him - to death.

2. If a farmer deliberately kills a swallow, his farm will decline, and cows will give blood instead of milk.

3. Those who dare to destroy will not be able to collect a good crop from the fields.

Most of the sayings were invented by uneducated people, but acted out of humane motives, wanting to protect the birds. In the villages, among ordinary peasants, kindness and mercy came first, so their life seemed more fun when birds lived under the roof.

Since ancient times, the swallow was an integral symbol of spring, since it arrived only after the cold ended. They were better than any calendars and weather forecasters of our time. By their arrival, the sowing time of many crops was determined. The life of the people was closely connected with the migration of swallows, which is why village minds tried to come up with patterns in order to somehow predict the future.

Some signs were stupid, some tricky, but there were sayings that were remembered for their regularity. Such predictions were accurate and always fair.

Scientific evidence

Signs: the swallow flew into the house - to the news

This has long been no secret. But there are other signs that have a deep meaning.

1. If a swallow flew into the house and made a nest under the roof, but soon left it - a bad sign. The fact is that these birds have a flair, and if suddenly there is a disaster of an elemental nature: an earthquake, flood, cold snap, drought and so on - the swallow tries to move to a more suitable place where it is possible to breed offspring without risk.

2. If the swallow decided to build a nest under your roof - do not bother her, and good luck and prosperity will come to your house. Due to its atmospheric sensitivity, the swallow always foresees unforeseen cataclysms, and if you be careful, you can save yourself from trouble. All that is needed is to have a swallow in your house and monitor its behavior.

3. Low flight of swallows portends rain. The scientific explanation for this proverb is the following: these birds prey on small insects, but before the rain, the humidity changes, and the midges try to be lower to the ground. Swallows prey on midges, and therefore they also have to fly low.

4. Wait for trouble when the swallow flew into the house - a sign is not always true. There were times when birds warned household members about a disaster: they flew around the house, scurried around and screamed. But such cases are rare. In the event of a climate change, the swallows will simply leave the nest, although if they notify you, it’s better for you!

Signs: "swallow flew into the house ..." or "swallow made a nest ..." are still popular. People are used to taking every word and are in no hurry to take risks and break another superstition. One thing is certain for sure: the signs "swallow flew into the house ..." will still be popular among rural residents for a long time.

Of course, the fact that the swallow is a unique bird is known. Scientists have such information, since it has been known that from time immemorial, various peoples and cultures highly valued and revered such a bird. Turning to various sources, you can find out that the swallows were originally given extraordinary properties, which manifested themselves as a result of which people around the world considered this particular bird to be a harbinger of important changes. Based on such data and information in folklore there is a large variety of proverbs, legends and signs about the swallow.

Unreasonable signs

Most signs of folklore begin with the words: "The swallow flew into the house." However, scientists over the past few years have established a lot of information and now they say with confidence that this kind of superstition cannot carry any rational grain in itself. That is why scientists concluded that similar signs are some speculation, delusions and some small legends of the people from antiquity. Let’s get acquainted with those proverbs that people sow today, people can believe and it can even be said that some proverbs influence people very much, so, based on their own superstition, they try not to violate any traditions associated with omen about the swallow.

    Probably, every person on the planet knows the proverb that if a swallow flew over a person’s shoulder and touched it, therefore, death will occur in the near future, this is the conclusion from the swallow’s flight that folklore makes.

    From time immemorial, it was believed that swallows should not be killed in any case, therefore there was a proverb that if a farmer kills a swallow intentionally, then his flowering farm will be in a terrible state, and his Scott will begin to give blood instead of milk. Of course, scientific evidence of such a fact does not exist in nature and there are no eyewitnesses either.

    In ancient times, it was also believed that in no case should you destroy the swallow’s house, because otherwise the plowman will not be able to harvest a worthy crop from his own fields. This proverb is still honored by many peoples, and especially those people who live near the earth, that is, in villages. It is they who daily observe all the proverbs and sayings, and observe certain national signs, and in no case cross the threshold of what is permitted, because they believe that, thus, fate sends them some signs.

Let us turn to modern science and find out what scientists think about this matter, how exactly they interpret certain sayings?  Skilled experienced and highly qualified scientists in various fields of science believe that a large number of sayings at one time, that is, ancient times, were invented by uneducated people, but they acted at the same time from the best of intentions. Therefore, we can say that people in ancient times, thus, tried to protect birds.

Scientists also argue that the fact that a large number of sayings related to the swallow was invented by people who live in villages, villages or small towns. It is believed that simple peasants live in a private house, and as you know, basically they always have mercy and kindness in the first place, therefore, in order to diversify their everyday workdays, they allowed the birds to live under their own roof. Consequently, in this way, swarms that made their nests lived in flocks several centuries ago in every yard.

Of course, on the planet there is not a single person who would not hear that the swallow is a kind of symbol of spring. We already know such information from the school bench, since every teacher told us that if a swallow arrived, then the cold season was over. It was with the help of a swallow that ancient people determined the weather, that is, the birds were much better than any calendar or the forecast of modern weather forecasters. As people said in ancient times, it was enough just to observe the weather and everything would be clear and understandable. Many villagers at the arrival of swallows began some plant crops.

Scientists also believe that the life of people at that time was tightly connected with the migration of swallows, which is why people came up with various patterns so that in the future they could at least somehow predict the future.

Of course, there were various signs, some seemed stupid, others more reasonable, others cunning and, of course, there were regular signs. It is believed to this day that certain predictions that have a certain pattern in themselves are always accurate and fair.

Scientific evidence

Signs: the swallow flew into the house - to the news

Of course, the interpretation of this sign at the present stage of life is not a secret for one person, however, there are a large number of various signs and superstitions that can carry a deeper meaning.

    It is believed that if a bird flew into your house and built its nest under its roof, but after some time left it permanently, then some kind of trouble should be expected, since this is considered a very bad sign. Scientists argue that the deep meaning of this sign is that the birds have a certain instinct, they are especially keenly aware of the impending disaster or the threat of just an elemental nature. Consequently, a person from the house whom the swallow flies away can expect some sharp cooling, earthquake, drought or flood. It is in connection with such conditions that the bird tries to move to a more suitable place in order to build its nest again and breed new offspring. Thus, the swallow protects itself and its chicks from impending disaster, while it is important for people to pay attention to this and take some precautions.

    There is a well-known sign among the people that if a bird called a swallow builds its own nest under your roof, in no case should you interfere with it or break up the nest. Since popular wisdom says that in this case, if a person lives under the roof of a swallow, then well-being, luck and success will come to him. Since the swallow has a certain atmospheric instinct, therefore, at any second she will be able to foresee a cataclysm or some kind of battle. It is enough for a resident of this or that house only to watch it and in case the bird leaves the nest to take various measures. Scientists argue that people need to have a swallow in their home and observe its behavior in order to protect themselves from adversity.

    In many peoples of the world, a proverb is known, which says that if a swallow flies low above the ground, therefore, it will rain in the near future. Scientists have established the veracity of such a sign, since birds prey on the smallest insects, therefore, the humidity before rain is high and midges, thereby trying to be closer to the ground, as a result, the swallow falls much lower in pursuit of midges than in sunny weather.

    Folklore also claims that if the swallow flies into the house, then it is necessary to wait for trouble. Scientists have found that such a sign is untrue, because the world knows of various cases when a bird flew into the house, warning members of the household about a future disaster, at the same time it flew through the rooms, scurried around, screaming, but such situations are very rare.

Why do the Slavs swallow a bad messenger?

The answer to this question is very simple, in ancient times, the swallow was the main bird in a variety of sorceresses and witches since then, the Slavs around the world began to believe that this bird spreads some sorrow and death.
  Of course, at present, no scientist can argue with the statement that the swallow is a mystical bird. But at the same time, such negative energy, birds came only due to the fact that many sorcerers and sorcerers used it to conduct their own rituals, since mystical witches believed that, in this way, the effect of witchcraft could be enhanced. It was the sorcerers who believed that this bird is a wanderer between two worlds, between the world of the living and the dead. Therefore, we can conclude that it was used, often not for noble thoughts and deeds.

Other signs with a swallow

It is little known that there is a sign on the swallow in the world that says that if a person goes beyond the threshold of his own house and sees this bird, then this event means two different truths. One claims that, in this way, a bird wishes a man a successful journey or a happy journey. Another truth asserts that the bird swallow thus says that a person should not go anywhere. Also, people in ancient times believed that if this bird flies from you on the left side, therefore, your path will be successful, but if on the left side, then it is imperative to postpone all things and return home.

It is important to recall the important fact that the swallow is a very smart bird, so its own nest, it will twist only on the roof of the house where good, noble and economic people live. Therefore, if on the roof of your house a swallow began to twist its nest, you don’t need to try to get rid of it, on the contrary, greet it, you can feed it, so you will not disturb its normal life, but you can be glad that the bird perceives you as a noble and economic person.

Anyone who is more or less familiar with the signs of man is annoyed by a bird flying into the house. The warnings of “knowledgeable” people about all kinds of troubles, deaths, and global cataclysms, which are bound to fall upon residents, will certainly come to mind. But everything is far from so gloomy, and the bird is a bird of strife. For example, the swallow often brings very good news on its wings. You just need to behave yourself.

Why do swallows fly into the house

It is not entirely clear why the Slavic ancestors disliked this lively bird, but the lion's share of bad signs about the swallow came from them. Most likely, the point here is not at all about the notion of the pichug as an evil creature. Just a swallow, always worn on a shaving flight, seemed the most worthy candidate for the role of a messenger between the world of the living and the dead, and they always tried to stay away from such creatures. Who knows what she could drag from “that” world on her forked tail, except for greetings from her ancestors?

Either in spite of the pagans, or for their own reasons, Christians treated the swallow completely differently. For Orthodox Russia, the bird has become a symbol of spring, dawn, hope, kindness and joy, and signs on its account have undergone a radical revision. What is surprising, they began to work no worse, otherwise they would not have reached our days! Either the power of popular conviction worked, or the Slavs from the very beginning in vain awarded Pichuga such a black reputation.

Superstition, regardless of the type of room

Negative signs: when arriving through a chimney, window or door

  • If the swallow flies into the house, trouble will happen.
  • If it flies over a person’s shoulder, indoors or outdoors, he is no longer a tenant.
  • If the bird flies out the window, and flies out the door - to be dead.

If the guest entered the house through a window, door or chimney, do not rush to worry. Sit in the corner and watch it. If a bird rushes about, squeals heart-rendingly and beats against objects that have fallen in the way, it is worth actually becoming more careful. Feel unwell, do not run it - reveal it earlier, cure it soon. Someone close to complaining about health problems - do not brush it off. But it’s too early to sound the alarm. If the swallow can actually arrive and warn about troubles, it is not too late to divert them.

And it’s another matter when a bird circulates around the room without panic, tweets or sits down on furniture. And if she wants to sing, cast aside all fears.  It can only mean one thing: good news has come!

Positive signs

Swallow's Nest Promises Home Safety

  • If the bird flies in the door and leaves the room through the window, you should prepare for the reception of guests.
  • The swallow in the room of an unmarried girl promises an early marriage. It is not for nothing that many people call this bird "the bride."
  • A bird in the apartment or on the balcony of a childless couple gives hope for the appearance of a baby. The sign is reinforced if you are visited not by an adult, but by a chick that has just stood on a wing.
  • The swallow, who came to the woman in the demolition, predicts an easy birth.
  • If there is a patient in the house, after meeting with a feathered guest, he should recover.
  • The most remarkable sign is two swallows, winding a nest under the roof or in the corner of the balcony. Even in the era of paganism, it was believed that the house, chosen by the birds, is under special blessing, and the fussy family is guaranteed to provide him with happiness and material prosperity.
  • If the birds abandon their work halfway or leave the ready-made nest, this is a bad sign for the house: the swallows sensed the troubles that threaten the dwelling, and want to get away from it. But with the same success, it may turn out that you yourself scared away the birds with excessive curiosity. In this case, the promised luck is no longer to be expected, but disaster will not happen.
  • If, for some reason, the swallow’s nest breaks and crashes to the floor, the house is in danger of fire. Check wiring.

And what does a omen mean if it is a chick?

A chick that has fallen out of the nest is a bad omen already because even a living baby is almost impossible to leave, and a dead swallow of any age threatens the house with serious problems. However, many esotericists tend to consider only the bird that was planted with evil purposes as negative. Everything else is an accident and no more. In addition, if the chick is still alive, no one bothers to try to return it to the nest or climb into the forum of amateur bird watchers and try to figure out how to save the cub. Fate will certainly reward it.

Swallow in an apartment or private house, flew into the balcony, into the room

In general, it is a sign that if a bird decided to fly to the balcony of a city apartment, it is explained in the same way as in a private cottage. With one small “but”: the omen is considered more true if the nimble pichugs do not nest somewhere near your home. In the city, the chances of this are not enough, and therefore the sign has more weight. But if you live in a rural area, and these black babies snoop over the courtyard, it is a matter of time before one of them pops into your window.

Some advise not to delve into signs at all, but to rely on intuition. If before the memory helpfully threw the memory of a bad omen, you watched the bird with curiosity and did not feel fear, then the subconscious tells you: everything is in order.

The bird flew into the office, flew into the office, saw at work

If the bird decided to stay with you, do not drive it

The appearance of a bird in the office is explained differently:

  • As a sign of trouble threatening the work of the company. If the bird flies into the office, then things will go with a creak, or firefighters and the tax service will be tortured with checks.
  • As a prediction of problems for a particular employee. For example, if a bird flew into a specific office or fell on the table of one of the employees.
  • On the other hand, given the duality of the signs associated with the swallow, one can hope for a favorable prediction. If the attention of a bird was awarded to an unmarried woman, perhaps they just brought her the news of an imminent meeting with her beloved, and she might fly to a married woman to report a pregnancy. Apparently, it was difficult to find a busy business woman at home, and the bird decided to try her luck in the office.

If an agitated bird decides to mark someone's desk or computer, its owner can hope for a bonus. Will the wall or floor suffer? Lucky the whole office. As soon as you put things in order.

What happens if you drive out or kill a feathered guest

  • To do harm to the swallow, which is called the beloved of God, means to doom yourself to eternal sadness. According to the legend, such a person will soon lose his taste for life and become immersed in depression. Better open the windows and let the guest get out on their own. At the same time, to drive the bird with a mop is a blatant disrespect! If there is a need (for example, a swallow gets tangled in curtains), carefully grab it in your hands and bring it to the window.
  • If a peasant kills a swallow in his yard, his cows will start to produce milk with blood.
  • In Russia they warned: "Whoever ruins the swallow's nest will become pockmarked."

How to neutralize bad signs

  • First of all, try to let the guest leave your home without harming themselves. And as soon as she breaks into flight, quickly say: "Fly and take all the troubles with you." After that, even if the swallow tried to leave you a bad prediction, it must take it with you.
  • For your complete peace of mind, throw a feast of sugar after the feathered one, so that bitterness does not have a place in your house.

That, in fact, is all that can be said about the swallow that flew into the house. And if her visit thrills you too much, remember the wisdom of the North American Indians: “A good person sees good signs” and begin to consider your acquaintance with a bird as a promise of future happiness. If you believe it enough, good luck will come.

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