How to get rich from scratch in Russia. How to get rich from scratch at home

Thanks to money, many of your dreams can be realized, which is why people strive to become rich. To achieve your goal, you must develop a plan that must be followed, otherwise nothing will work.

Competent investments

There are several ways that will help you get rich quick, but the most acceptable one can be called a competent investment of money. However, for this you should study the financial market well, since the risk of losing accumulated funds is quite high. So, for example, you can buy shares of a dynamically developing company. After a few years, their value will increase, and dividends will be able to provide a person with a comfortable existence. Among modern millionaires, there are quite a lot of those who made their fortune on the stock exchanges. In this case, you can get by with a small starting capital, so you should consider this option after trying your hand at this area.

Own business

You can get rich quick by starting your own business. Of course, you need to have a certain amount of funds, but not everyone has them. However, you can take a loan from a bank. But first you need to decide what you want to do, and then draw up a business plan that you should stick to. Undoubtedly, for the prosperity of the business, it will be necessary to invest a lot of effort and time, but later it will be possible to enjoy wealth. This method is fraught with countless obstacles, but risk often leads to success.

fortune smile

If you want to get rich quickly without making any special efforts, then you can try your luck at the casino. That's just with gambling you need to be very careful, because sometimes people lose everything they have. A safer way to make fortune smile is to buy a lottery ticket. Of course, few win huge sums, which are enough for a lifetime, but it happens. This option does not require large financial investments, and losses will be minimal.


Magic will help you become rich. You can buy yourself a talisman that attracts money, or go to a shaman. He will conduct a special ceremony, after which he will be able to get rich quickly. Not all people believe in this, but you can refer to the ancient teachings of Feng Shui. It has helped the Chinese to acquire wealth for centuries. Today, many use Feng Shui and become wealthy people.

There is one universal truth: everyone wants to become rich and successful. However, many people would like to get everything quickly and effortlessly. They only dream of getting rich quick. Many people live with the thought: “I want to get rich,” and wait for an incredibly large inheritance to fall on them, or they will hit the jackpot in the lottery, or some millionaire decides to transfer a couple of hundred thousand to their account. But this is fundamentally the wrong approach to business.

Unfortunately, there is no magic pill to take or a button to push to become instantly rich and successful. Any rich person will tell you that he got his fortune through his own hard work and knowledge (and a little bit more luck).

Let's try to figure out how you can get rich and how to become rich from scratch.

How do people get rich? This question plagues many. You can also find a huge number of answers to it. But where to start?

First, decide for yourself that you no longer want to be poor, but want to become financially independent. Any business is important to start with your consciousness. Get rid of bad thoughts and tune in to positive thinking . Only then will the reality around you begin to change. After all, there is no shortage of money on planet Earth. There is only a lack of people who think correctly about money. To understand how to get rich from scratch, you must put an end to "poor" thinking. No need to think every month how to live until the next paycheck. Better start thinking about how to create capital.

Second, try to generate ideas . Remember that the world's most successful companies did not start with money, but with one, but a brilliant idea of ​​one or more people.

Next, you need to choose the right motivation . You need to strive not only to receive money, but also to realize your potential. Motivate yourself that your work will first of all benefit someone, you will be able to contribute to the development of something, and perhaps even leave a mark on history. Thus, you will receive both material rewards and moral satisfaction from your work. And this is very important, because if you work solely for the sake of money and do not feel your need, it is impossible to become a rich person in full.

Try to communicate with rich and successful people. Your environment has a very strong influence on all areas of your life, including financial. Those with little money cannot teach you how to get rich. Phrases such as: “Money will not make you happy”, “All rich people are greedy” can usually be heard from those who have nothing. The rich and successful don't talk like that. That is why you need to communicate with those people whose example you can follow. Find out what they read, where they invest, what drives them and keeps them active and passionate about what they do.

Correctly evaluate and allocate your time . Poor and rich people have different attitudes towards time. The former sell it, and the latter buy it. The rich know that time is much more valuable than money. Therefore, they do not hesitate to hire people to do the work that they themselves do not know how to do, or do it slowly and unproductively. In this way, they get valuable time for their work, in which they excel and which is profitable.

Create different sources of income . A rich person will never depend on only one source. It has a number of ways to make a profit (business, investments, bank deposits, etc.), since no one is immune from failures and failures.

Finally, it may come as a surprise that wealthy people want everyone else to be rich as well. It is a mystery to them why someone does not know how to become rich. They do not consider themselves special and are sure that wealth is available to everyone who knows how to focus on work and work hard towards the goal. Wealthy people want others to be rich for two reasons: first, so that you can buy their products and services, and second, because they want to associate with others like them.

How to become rich from scratch in Russia? How to become a rich and successful woman? How to get rich quick from scratch in Russia? All these questions can be answered privately. However, they can also be answered in the same way, based on some general rules.

We offer some practical tips that absolutely everyone can use. These are the answers to the question of how to become rich in Russia and in any other country.

  1. Invest in your education

We all know that it's never too late to learn. All your knowledge and skills are assets that do not need to be carried behind. At any time during your life, they can come in handy, and thanks to them you can start making good money. Therefore, constantly improve the level of your education, learn something new, strive to learn what interests you.

Today it is not necessary to sit for years in university classrooms, to receive several higher educations or academic degrees. A huge amount of material on any topic can be found on the Internet. There are also various courses, seminars, master classes, distance learning, etc. The main thing is not to drown in this flow of information, but to catch really important and useful material from it. And then the only thing left is to learn how to sell your knowledge on the market and receive material rewards for them.

If you want to learn how to get rich quick from scratch, try investing online. You can invest in PAMM accounts, trust management, startups, etc. You don't need a lot of money to get started. Investing on the Internet is an opportunity to get a large percentage of profit with minimal investment. This is a real chance to become rich and successful from scratch. To select a PAMM account or we recommend using .

3. Improve your financial literacy

How to get rich in Russia? You need to be financially literate. Simply put, you need to be able to handle money. To learn this, start with your family budget. Make a budget plan for the month and try to stick to it. In this way, you can get rid of unnecessary expenses and manage money more rationally, as well as learn how to save. Read more about budgeting in our.

4. Use your time well

A very important point for success is the correct distribution of your time. This skill is available to all successful people and is called time management (translated from English as "time management"). To master it, you need to draw up a clear plan of actions and activities for the day, week and longer periods of time. This will help get rid of unnecessary work and meaningless pastime, which takes a lot of our precious time.

5. Use your talents

Each of us is talented in some way. It is given by nature and must be used. Today, any talent can be turned into a business. It can be anything - music, art, sports, fashion, foreign languages. Do what you are good at, develop your abilities and enjoy and benefit from them.

6. Change your habits

If you communicate with wealthy people, pay attention to their habits. See how they relate to things and work, how they handle finances, what they do in their free time. You will see that their habits greatly influence their wealth and success. You will understand that they do not throw money away, as is commonly believed in society, but on the contrary, they are very reasonable in spending and shopping. Try to form the same patterns of behavior in yourself. If there are no role models in your environment yet, read the literature about successful people. Believe me, they have a lot to learn. In the next section, we will talk about “rich” habits in more detail.

Intelligence, talent, charm and charisma are very important for success in life, but they are not the only reason for the differences between the rich and the poor. After all, a person can be exceptionally smart and still have absolutely nothing.

The differences lie in our daily habits. Just imagine that 40 percent of the time in the waking state, we perform subconscious actions. This means that two out of every five minutes a day we work on autopilot, that is, out of habit. If you have formed bad habits, they will prevent you from becoming a rich and successful person. So what habit will help you get rich quick? Naturally, she is not alone. We offer you a whole list of habits that together will help to form the right behavior model and achieve any heights.

1. Live within your means

Wealthy people avoid overspending. They save 20 percent of their net income and live off the remaining 80 percent. So they pay themselves for their stable future.

But among those who are constantly struggling financially, almost everyone lives beyond their means. They spend more than they earn, they have to borrow, and debt slowly but surely suppresses a person. If you want to end your financial struggle, you need to form the habit of saving and budgeting your spending.

2. Don't gamble

It is unlikely that any of the wealthy people buy lottery tickets or play other games of chance. They don't rely on random luck to make a fortune. They create their own luck. If you still want to bet, knowing the possible risk, use only free money from your budget.

3. Read every day

Reading information about a business or career will make you a more valuable partner to colleagues, customers, or clients. Among rich people, 88% read for at least half an hour every day.

The reason successful people read is for personal development. By increasing their knowledge, they can see more opportunities that translate into more money. By comparison, only one in fifty poor people includes reading in their daily self-improvement plan. As a result, the poor do not grow professionally and are among the first to be fired or made redundant.

4. Limit TV viewing and internet surfing

How much of your precious time do you waste in front of the TV screen? Two-thirds of wealthy people watch less than an hour of TV a day and spend less than an hour a day on the Internet, if it is not related to work.

Instead, they use their free time for part-time jobs, personal development, networking, philanthropy, etc.

5. Control your emotions

Not every thought needs to be voiced. Not every emotion needs to be expressed. When you say what's on your mind, you risk offending others. Talkativeness is a habit of most insolvent people. In contrast, 94 percent of wealthy people hold back their emotions. They understand that letting emotions take over can ruin relationships at work and at home. Try to objectively assess the situation before expressing your opinion.

6. Communicate regularly with people and participate in charity

Regular communication and participation in volunteer and charitable organizations expands your network of acquaintances. This, in turn, helps to find new clients or get a better job. Very often, the boards of such organizations include wealthy, successful people. A good personal relationship with these people can turn into a business partnership in the future.

7. Set goals, don't just dream

We all love to dream. However, dreams often remain dreams and have no result. And for the result to be, you need to turn the dream into a specific goal. Then you can control the actions to achieve it.

8. Don't procrastinate

Successful people understand that procrastination worsens the quality of the work being done, dissatisfies employers and clients. Thus, personal and business relationships are damaged. Here are five strategies to help you avoid procrastination:

  • Make a daily to-do list. It must be performed at 70% or more.
  • Come up with a "daily five". These are five actions or deeds that will help you get closer to the realization of a goal.
  • Set deadlines. There is nothing wrong with finishing work ahead of schedule.
  • Work only with responsible partners who will also be able to subject you to healthy criticism.
  • Repeat the phrase “do it now” to yourself until you start a task or project. This is the so-called technique of "annoying yourself." In any case, the main thing is to start.

9. Talk less, listen more

Rich people are good communicators because they are good listeners. They understand that one can learn and educate only by listening to what other people have to say. The more you learn about your partners, the more you can help them.

10. Eliminate the word "failure" from your vocabulary

A person often refers to failure if something does not work out for him. In fact, this failure is a by-product of his habits and actions. They accumulate like a snowball and at one moment can collapse into an avalanche of problems with work, health and personal life.

Successful people create their own unique type of luck. Their positive habits lead to opportunities such as promotions, bonuses, new business, and good health.

Let's summarize all of the above. Prosperity cannot appear out of nowhere. It is the result of work, work on oneself, personal growth and development. We do not rule out that you may be incredibly lucky and win a large amount in the lottery. However, this is not a guarantee that you will be able to save this capital, increase it and live comfortably until old age.

So, in order to get rich at home, you need to change your mind and attitude towards the world around you. It's not as easy as it seems at first glance. You must understand and accept the fact that only you are responsible for your life.

First, stop considering yourself unworthy of high earnings. If you are trying to earn only a living wage and think that you are not capable of (or do not deserve) more, then you will never get more. Start thinking of yourself as a good specialist who should earn good money.

Second, learn to accept mistakes and failures as positive experiences. You don't have to give up. No need to blame them on other people, circumstances or bad luck. They are yours and only yours. But thanks to them, you can learn, develop and move on.

Thirdly, develop in yourself personal qualities that help you succeed: perseverance, responsibility, the ability to plan and rationally use resources, calmness, creativity, and a desire to learn.

Think of money not as a material good, but only as a means of obtaining other benefits and pleasures. This will make it easier to earn and spend.

And yet, if you want to find real financial freedom, open your own business and work for yourself. As an employee, this is much more difficult to do.

Every person wants to live in prosperity. Some people are ready to work hard for years to achieve the goal, while others are looking for ways to get rich quick. Yes. You can get rich from scratch. But for this you will have to find a unique way to solve other people's problems and work hard to succeed. Nationality, gender, marital status, type of employment do not matter:

    Bill Gates, Eugene Kaspersky and Mark Zuckerburg were born into average families, but were able to reach incredible heights in IT technology. Steve Jobs was adopted by an Armenian family. Arnold Schwarzenegger went a long way from immigrant to governor. Russian businessman Oleg Tinkov was born in a downtrodden mining village. Igor Kolomoisky took his first steps in business back in the era of socialism.
All these people got rich from scratch thanks to hard work, brains and perseverance. Why are you worse?

I want to get rich fast

There are not so many ways to get rich quick. They all come down to luck. Win money in the lottery. The complexity of this method lies in the fact that you will have to buy a lot of tickets, not miss a single draw and have a game strategy. Even fulfilling all these conditions does not guarantee winning the jackpot. Get an inheritance. It's not just about wealthy relatives. Elderly people who have no loved ones sometimes agree to a certain deal: to issue an inheritance to a stranger in exchange for receiving care. Successful marriage. More often, girls are looking for a wealthy gentleman. Not every woman will agree to keep a gigolo

What can you get rich on

On anything. Even at the sale of old things. A resident of the United States, Mary Anderson, sold a walking stick for $65,000 through an eBay auction. The success of the transaction was that the woman in the description of the goods assured the buyer that the cane was guarded by a spirit that helped heal people. This is not the only example of an original marketing ploy. The auction also successfully sold cookies on which a person's face is visible, and a bank of bees. A person is greedy for everything supernatural. American Diana Dazer made $28,000 by auctioning off a sandwich made 10 years ago. It seemed to her that the face of the Virgin Mary appeared on the sandwich. And they believed her.
    Spend less than you earn. After receiving a salary, you should not rush headlong to the store for the next purchase. It is better to put aside the "unnecessary amount" in a piggy bank. Open a savings account at the bank and transfer at least 10% of your income from each salary to it. Invest wisely. Some people invest in jewelry, others in real estate, and still others in securities. And it is right. It does not matter which direction of investment you choose. The main thing is that it be relevant and in demand. Use creativity. Strain your brains! Try to create something creative. There is a buyer for every product. Do charity work. Even John Rockefeller taught his children that at least 10% of each receipt of funds should be given to the universe as a thank you. Believe in yourself!

To get rich at home, you need a minimum start-up capital, an original idea, a desire to develop and faith in your success.

With the help of the Internet

Competently using the World Wide Web, anyone can earn extra money or create a permanent and high source of income. However, it should be remembered that making money on the Internet is most often associated with unjustified risk. Online games The earnings scheme looks like this: invest funds - develop your strategy - make a profit - withdraw money. You can earn money without investment by participating in contests. That is, you need to choose between investing time and money. The advantage of such projects is that the participant does not need to "play" to earn. In simulations, the game model is automated. The participant needs to visit the site periodically and make decisions. At first glance, this scheme looks like a soap bubble, but it is not. The reason lies in the mentality. For some people, making money on online games is associated with luck and fortune, while for others it is a well-thought-out economic strategy. Among the players there are those who, having earned a decent amount, do not withdraw it from the project, but continue the game for the sake of pleasure and self-assertion in the game world. Exchanges Anyone can trade on the currency and binary options exchange. To work, it is enough to download the application with the platform and have access to the Internet. You also need to open a trading account. You need to take training courses for brokers (about $500), develop your own trading strategy, and test it on a real account (from $100). A successful trader should have a couple of dozen working strategies for different assets (commodities, currencies, stocks). The most important rule that a beginner should remember is that trading with binary options is always a game against the stock exchange. The broker's income is the losses of traders. Therefore, there are so many negative reviews on the network about the work of each broker. However, it is possible to understand how the currency and stock market functions without risking large capital, using options. If you want to trade, then you should switch to professional markets. Advertising You can earn on advertising through your own website. Each site owner (from 2 pages) and with good content (average traffic from 100 people per day) can earn money by placing banners of other sites on it. Depending on the conditions of the exchange, funds are paid either for clicking on the link or for placing the banner itself. At the same time, customers have the opportunity to independently choose the type of advertising (contextual or banner) and the size of the banner. Internet search The main advantage of Internet marketing is that the seller does not need to have his own production in order to start a business. You can offer products from another online store and earn money from it. This scheme is called affiliate marketing. The store hires partners who advertise its product on their website, blog, forum, page in social networks. The partner will receive income only after the registration of a new member in the system or after the client buys goods in the online store. In the first case, a fixed income is paid per attracted person, and in the second - a percentage of the sales amount.

In this case, we are talking about investing not money, but your time in the development and implementation of the idea. Invent and patent something new There are several ways to monetize intellectual property rights. 1. Launch a unique invention into production, “earning” a name for yourself. 2. Sell ​​a license to use the patent to third parties and receive income for the use of technology. 3. Sell ​​the patent itself and get the entire estimated value of the patent immediately in full. Write and publish a book A writer's salary is not a transparent indicator. The spread of income depends not so much on the talent of the writer, but on the relevance of the topic. You can write about anything: about sports, cooking, business. The main thing is to reveal in detail in the book a way to solve a specific problem or achieve a goal. If you specialize well in a certain area and know how to solve a problem, just share it with other people. You can promote the book through a major publisher. In this case, the author's income will be minimal. The publishing house will cover all costs from the layout of the material to the distribution of the book at its own expense. It must cover its costs and earn a minimum profit. Draw pictures and earn money at exhibitions An artist can earn money by selling his paintings, as well as by organizing exhibitions. You can, for example, exhibit the work of your students and other artists in your studio or in a rented room and charge money for it. If there are a lot of applicants, then the earnings will be good. Exhibition organizers often gain an audience by inviting famous artists to exhibitions. People are willing to pay money for the opportunity to communicate with a person who creates masterpieces or inspires them. Work exclusively for yourself It is necessary to choose a business in which you are well versed and offer other people your services to resolve a specific issue. All stages of the business will have to be taken over: from the production (purchase) of goods to the development of distribution channels. At first, you will have to work hard to earn a name for yourself. With an increase in the volume of orders, you can hire assistants and develop the next stages of business development. Investments and rates By participating in online lotteries, casinos, you can earn money on bets. You need to have a game strategy, invest funds for placing bets and participate in draws as often as possible. It is better to choose large casinos. The stakes are higher in them, but the initial deposit bonus is also high. Tourism People buy sightseeing tours around the city to learn something new and interesting. The more legends and incredible stories are known about a particular place, the more people will want to see it. For this, it is not necessary to use the services of a travel agency. It is enough to study history on your own and arrange excursions for your friends and acquaintances for a minimal fee. If the story is really interesting, and the trip is memorable, then they will definitely recommend you to their friends. With the advent of customers, the cost of services needs to increase. Tutoring or coaching Graduate students often take sub-courses or study at home with tutors before taking exams. You don't need to have a teaching degree to be a teacher. You need to be able to tell the student the material from the textbook in simple language and teach the person to solve problems from exam tickets. You can study with students at their home in comfortable conditions.

The fastest and easiest way to get rich is not to spend too much and learn to save

The main recommendation of rich people is to learn how to save money. This is not at all about the fact that you need to deny yourself all material goods and eat only bread and water. You need to learn how to properly distribute the funds of the family budget. At least 10% of each receipt of funds should be put aside in the piggy bank. The remaining amount of funds can be distributed as follows:
    50% - for monthly expenses (food, communications, utilities, transport). 30% - clothing, household chemicals, medicines and other equally important items. 10% - entertainment.
In order not to buy a blouse on sale again, you can install an application on your phone, for example, Spendee, which not only draws up a budget, displays spending statistics, but also signals when a certain expense item exceeds the allowable value.

Steal once and get rich, is it worth it

The desire to get rich makes people commit crimes. But the game is not worth the candle. Especially when it comes to the theft of an expensive and unique item. You won't be able to sell them quickly and imperceptibly. Most often, criminals are found and forced to answer according to the law for the crime:
    The Scream is a painting by Edvard Munch depicting a screaming human figure. Over the past 20 years, the painting was stolen 3 times, but each time the criminals were found and the canvas was returned back to the museum. Vincent van Gogh created more than 2,100 paintings that cost fabulous money. For the theft of two of them, "Sea View" and "Church Exit", worth $ 30 million, the thieves were given life sentences. In 1994, in France, three men robbed a jewelry store at the Carlton Hotel. They stole £30m worth of diamonds. The jewels were never found. During the investigation, it turned out that the abductors had blank cartridges.

People who got rich from scratch - an example to follow and motivation

Jan Kum- an immigrant from Ukraine. When his family moved to the US 20 years ago, they ate by exchanging ration cards for food. In 2009, Jan and his friend Brian Acton launched an application for real-time communication between people. In 2014, Facebook bought the WhatsApp app for $19 billion. Jack Ma repeatedly tried to get a job in fast food establishments, but he was constantly refused. In 1995, after moving to the US, he discovered the Internet. Ma started the China Pages portal. The project failed, but Jack did not give up and in 1999 created the Alibaba store, which brought him $ 20.2 billion.

In fact, there is no universal way to get rich. The richest people on the planet have earned their fortunes in a variety of ways, so there is no certain system of actions in the world that will surely make you rich. Often the path to wealth is quite difficult and requires a lot of effort on your product or service, a lot of effort to find the right people and investments, and a lot of luck.

But not everything is always so difficult, there are other options to get decent money, for example, win the lottery or receive an inheritance from a wealthy relative. However, such cases are quite rare and it makes no sense to hope and live only with the thought that someday you will be lucky and get rich.

In addition, there are cases in history when the most ordinary people acquired a huge fortune in a completely strange and unthinkable way. The key to their success could be an unusual business plan, a chance find, or an investment at the right time and in the right company. Today we will tell you about such lucky people who managed to get rich in exceptional circumstances.

10. Richard T. James

Richard T. James was a Marine mechanical engineer who was developing a special type of spring that could support equipment on ships in bad weather. One day, one of his experimental samples fell off the shelf and began to “walk” on the table and floor, inspiring James to create the famous Slinky spring toy. Taking out a loan of $500, James continued to work on the toy, preparing it for mass production. During the first demonstration of his invention in the Gimbels department store, all samples were almost instantly sold out. His production expanded and grew, and he soon boasted 300 million pieces sold.

9. David Cheriton

The appearance of David Cheriton is no different from the appearance of any other professor. The 63-year-old Canadian billionaire has made a fortune teaching computer science at Stanford University since 1981. His total fortune is $3.3 billion. He earned this amount in a rather interesting way: the professor spent his whole life investing in the ideas and business plans of university students, helping them take off, and then selling his share of shares for huge money. And while most of his investments were fairly successful, one was particularly successful: he invested $100,000 in an idea for Larry Page and Sergey Brin when they decided to found Google. This alone brought the professor $ 1 billion.

8. Rick Schwartz

In 1995, Rick Schwartz came up with the idea of ​​registering potentially popular domain names. Without thinking twice, he registered several popular website names in search engines and placed ads on them. Soon, these sites began to bring him a small income, but Schwartz realized that domain names can also be sold for decent money. Since 1995, this natural born entrepreneur has managed to sell 20 domains for over $500,000 each. Among his most successful sales are domains such as, which he sold for $1.3 million, and, which sold for $3 million, which he acquired for about $10,000 in early 1997. Another lucrative deal was the purchase of the domain for $100, which he later resold to CNN for $750,000.

7. Gary Dahl

Sitting in a bar listening to his buddies endlessly complaining about the trouble their pets were causing, the amount of effort it takes to properly care for them, he thought it would be a good idea to have a rock as a pet. He does not require care, feeding, walking, he does not get sick and does not need to be taken to the veterinarian. Although his buddies only laughed at the idea, Dahl took it seriously and began to develop a plan to promote it. He created his own product called Pet Rock, using his experience as an advertising agent. The stone was delivered in a special collectible box along with an instruction manual and a handful of hay, on which, in fact, the future pet was lying. This idea turned out to be incredibly popular and made Dahl a millionaire in just a year and a half.

6. Jason Sadler

Jason Sadler founded in 2009 determined to provide a rather unique service to various companies and businesses. For a fee, Sadler was going to wear a company T-shirt all day long. The cost of such an unusual advertising campaign was also quite interesting: the first day of the year (January 1) cost $1, the second - $2, and so on until the last day of the year, which cost $365. Thus, in his first year, he earned $80,000. After that, Sadler doubled the price and hired several people at once for this activity in order to increase the availability of this service and raise more funds. By 2012, this service was already bringing him several hundred thousand dollars a year.

5. Chad Mureta

Chad Mureta was working as a real estate agent when he was involved in a traffic accident in 2009. He spent six months in the hospital recovering from severe injuries. It was then that he noticed that all the doctors, in general, had full access to his iPhone. He immediately came up with the idea of ​​​​creating an application that scans fingerprints and, thereby, increases the degree of security of personal information from prying eyes. He immediately found a developer on the Internet who was ready to write such an application for $ 1,800. Enlisting financial support from his stepfather, he submitted the finished application to the App Store, where it became a huge success, earning him over $620,000.

4. Eric Lowes

In 1992, Eric Lowes asked a friend for a metal detector to find his lost hammer. Busy searching for the tool, Lowes stumbled upon a collection of silver and bronze coins, jewelry, and other items dating back millennia by chance. Unfortunately, the laws of Great Britain did not allow him to keep the treasure for himself, instead, the government of the country paid him compensation, calculated on the basis of the market value of the find. Thus, Lawrence and the farmer who owned the land divided nearly $3 million between them.

3. Phil Ozersky

Phil Ozersky was at that memorable baseball game at Bush Stadium when Mark McGwire hit his 70th home run. The batted ball went straight towards Phil, choosing him from the 40,000 people present at the stadium. Refusing to give the ball back, he immediately put it up for auction and managed to sell it for just over $3 million. With the money received, Ozersky built a house where his disabled father and mother were able to spend their old age. The remainder of the funds went to build a house for his family and to donate to various charities.

2. Unknown who managed to find a work of art

The Indiana resident purchased the painting, along with the old furniture, for about $30. He needed the picture in order to cover the hole in the wall that irritated him. He had no idea that this painting was the work of the artist Martin Johnson Head. The picture hung on the wall for some time, until, while playing a board game, he noticed the same picture in the picture. Interested, he took his painting to the Kennedy Gallery in Manhattan, where it was recognized as an original work by Head. This painting, now known as "Magnolias on Golden Velvet", was sold to the Fine Arts Museum for $1.25 million in 1999.

1. Guy Laliberte

Guy Laliberte was a Canadian street performer when he got the idea to start his own traveling circus. Gathering other street performers he knew, he managed to secure a grant from the local government and found Cirque du Soleil. Today Cirque du Soleil is one of the most famous and successful circuses in the world. It has representative offices and offices in all major cities of the world, and its staff consists of almost 4,000 employees. During the entire existence of the circus, it was visited by more than 90 million people from all over the world. The circus performances have been so successful that they generate $800 million in annual revenue. The total fortune of Laliberte today exceeds $1.8 billion.

Sooner or later, many begin to think about how to get rich from scratch in Russia. Everyone needs a financially secure life, but not everyone knows how to get there. Especially in the case when there are no funds to start.

But before you do something, you need to know what you want to achieve, whether you are ready for difficulties, new knowledge, diligence and losses.

First steps

Before you ask yourself how to get rich from scratch in Russia, you should ask yourself other questions. What do I want from life? How to come to this? What do I enjoy doing and what do I do best? As you know, it is better to earn in business, to which the soul lies.

It is worth developing an action plan to go towards the fulfillment of desires with confident steps. After all, our brain must know why we need to do this or that action, what it will lead to. Otherwise, you will not have motivation, desire and understanding of what to do.

It is also worth working on the daily routine. You must be productive, take new steps every day to achieve material well-being.

Why do you need big money?

Motivation plays the biggest role in achieving success. You must really want to be rich, love money, be able to increase it, and not engage in consumption and spend it thoughtlessly.

There are many examples of how to get rich quick from scratch in Russia, but they do not mean the status of a millionaire for the rest of your life. There are people who had a chance to change everything when they won the lottery, received an inheritance or found a treasure. But many of them returned to their former material well-being in a short period of time. And all because they did not know how to use money. They just spent it. They had a poor man's mindset. And, most likely, they did not have big goals in life, for the sake of which they should earn and increase their income.

So think about your priorities, desires, goals, and motivations. They play a key role. Remember that acting is not enough, you need to think a lot, develop strategies and plans. Your goals should be worthy and push you to action, decisions, new heights. They should inspire you, wake you up early in the morning and give you high spirits.

A clear plan of action

If you have decided on your desires and goals and are convinced that you really want to be financially secure, rich, then you have to do fundamental work. A clear, detailed action plan needs to be developed. Each step should be thought out and lead you to achieve your goals.

It is necessary to plan the things to be done, the daily routine, which will contribute to the possibility of doing everything, costs and income. It is necessary to act according to the prepared system, so the results will appear much faster.

You do not know what to do to earn decent money

It often happens that people have no idea how to get rich quickly from scratch in Russia. There are different ways these days. And to follow them, you don’t even need big funds to start.

We noted that it is best to try to make money on what you have a soul for. But if you do not know what to do, you have no interests, but just a desire to be financially secure, then you should find out how others make money and try to follow their path.

Examples of successful people who started from scratch: Internet projects

Our topic is about how to get rich from scratch in Russia, and not in another country. Therefore, our compatriots will be examples.

In Russia, Internet projects are developing rapidly. But it is worth admitting that many ideas are borrowed from foreign geniuses. The project is no exception, but it is an excellent example of how you can get rich from scratch in Russia. Its founder launched the site in 2006 and initially treated it as a hobby.

However, his hobby grew into a large social network, which made its creator one of the

Pavel Durov, one of the founders of the VKontakte website, is another example of how to get rich from scratch in Russia. His project also started in 2006 and became the most popular social network in Runet. Together with his team, he managed to notice in time a great chance to realize himself through the creation of a social network and choose this direction, which made him a billionaire.

As you know, Pavel Durov moved away from this project. However, this does not stop him. He created another - the Telegram messenger, which is also gaining momentum, although such services already exist. Take at least "Viber".

To make big money and have a successful business, it is not necessary to come up with brilliant ideas. It is enough to look around and notice what appears and is in demand abroad. After all, it is there, as a rule, that progressive ideas per million are born.

How to get rich from scratch: powerful ways to get rich

As already noted, sometimes it is worth looking around, studying someone else's successful experience in order to create your own project and make money on it. Therefore, here are a few more ways to become rich.

Trade. It would seem that it is unusual. But what if your product is unique, and in addition to it, you also offer the same unique services? It was on this path that the notorious who became a millionaire went. She sells GPS-navigators for agricultural machinery.

Thanks to her perseverance, she outperformed the firm she worked for before creating a similar project. And the impetus for her own business was the undeservedly small salary she received.

"Button of Life" is a project of Dmitry Yurchenko, which made him successful and rich. This product is a medical alarm with a call for help. If its owner becomes ill, then he can easily report it. By pressing a button or by falling, a signal is sent to the call center.

Employees call an ambulance, give advice, call neighbors. Such a device is in demand among those who are worried about their loved ones who are left at home unattended. It is unique, useful and socially oriented. And it also made Dmitry Yurchenko a dollar millionaire.

How to get rich quick from scratch: the secrets of Oleg Tinkov

In fact, there is no secret. Oleg Tinkov started small - reselling various goods. He bought and sold a variety of products: cosmetics, alcohol, electronics and appliances. Initially, he walked around with a small amount of goods and offered them, or buyers came to him themselves. Later, he opened a chain of stores "TechnoShock" and "MusicShock". When he got bored with this business, he sold it.

Oleg Tinkov went into the dumpling business. He managed to successfully develop it and sell it to Abramovich for tens of millions of dollars. His next projects are a brewing company and a chain of restaurants. Now such an enterprising businessman is known as the owner of Tinkoff Credit Systems bank. He is an example of how to gradually but surely increase your income, starting with a small business.

How to get rich from scratch without leaving home

Thanks to the Internet, you can build your business anywhere and even decide how to get rich from scratch at home, that is, where it is so cozy and warm, where loved ones are always there. There are a lot of reviews about this from homebodies. And the best ways for those who want to do their own business in comfortable conditions are as follows:

  • your online store;
  • infotainment site, blog, channel;
  • provision of services (manicure, pedicure, massage, hairdressing, stylist services, repair and maintenance of equipment, sewing, hand-made).

It is also possible to make money on programming, copywriting, design (as a freelancer), however, in order to solve the question of how to get rich quickly from scratch in Russia, these are not the best ways.

Still, it's worth working for yourself. When you are an employee, you get a fixed salary, and this is unlikely to make you richer.


If you have a desire to become rich and you want to fulfill it, then you have to work hard. Only a few become millionaires without any effort. These are heirs, lottery winners and other lucky ones. But don't be jealous of them. Only a few of them know how to manage money. Most of them will waste them thoughtlessly. Only a few will be able to multiply them and remain financially prosperous until the end of their lives.

If you want to be rich, work hard! First mentally. Decide what you want from life, make a plan of your actions, work without feeling sorry for yourself and without stepping back. Study successful startups, principles and thinking of the rich, their biographies. Start thinking differently, live at a different pace, don't be lazy, open up new horizons. If you have an idea to invent something that does not yet exist, that can become useful and in demand, invent and patent your brainchild. This can make you rich.

Remember, motivation is extremely important for development. Therefore, dream, wish, be inspired, please yourself with your achievements and in no case think that you cannot become rich without having anything. You can always start small or you can attract investors. Everything is in your hands - act!

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